Chapter 50- Leon

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Ebony came home much later than expected. Kyle had been restless when 5pm hit and she called to say she would be late. We weren't thinking that late when 7pm rolled around and she still wasn't home. She told us not to wait for her to eat dinner and that she would grab something. Kyle didn't like that either, we ate with him brooding and it was interesting to see him this way.

"What's going on through your head right now?" I asked him after the sounds of forks and knifes on plates as we ate silently was starting to drive me crazy. He sighed and out his fork down. He had barely touched his food.

"I guess I'm used to work so much it keeps me occupied. I just miss her right now. She's been gone for almost 12 hours and it's driving me crazy." He said running his hands through his slightly too long hair. I smiled softly.

"How do you think she was feeling when we were gone? Probably the same even if she never mentioned it. You own the place. You could go see her at anytime." I told him. He made a face.

"If I did that she would probably make a comment about me being a helicopter parent instead of a hot boyfriend." He said putting a steamed carrot into his mouth. I tried so hard to hold back the laughter that was bubbling up at the look of his pouting face. It was fucking adorable but I knew he would not like that.

I cleared my throat and looked down at my plate. I missed her too but I also knew she would be home at the end of the day. I thought it was so sweet that he missed her and I also knew that under regular circumstances we would all have been at work today and he wouldn't be feeling this way.

"Well, just know it's only temporary. We will all be at work when we get back and there will be no sitting around and waiting." I told him. The garage door beeped as it was opened and Kyle was out of his seat in a flash. I heard a grunt and then Ebonys giggle. It was silent for a moment and then I heard a moan.

Well fuck me. I continued to eat my food letting him have his time. After a few minutes they came into the dining room. Ebony looked tired but she was glowing. I smiled at her.

"Hey beautiful, how was your day?" I asked as she rounded the table to give me a kiss.

"Amazing. Only one of the assistant i brought in for the week trial showed up on time. One called an hour later that she was almost there and the other one never contacted me. I hired Raven. We got along so well and she is such an amazing working. Got along with everyone too, they loved her." She said sitting in Kyle's lap when he didn't give her anywhere else to go. He went to work on kissing her neck and shoulders through her dress and massaging her body.

She was affected by his advances but was trying so hard to focus on the conversation.

"Thats great that the one who showed is a good fit. You worked with Troy today, how did that go?" I asked. Her eyes closed slightly as Kyle started to massage her feet. She hummed before responding in a breathy voice.

"Um, Troy was great. He's smitten with Raven though. Apparently they have history. I'm curious to see what happens over the next six months. They clearly still like each other. But I'm not a match maker of any kind so I'm going to stay out of it." She said leaving her head back on Kyle's shoulder. "That feels so good. My shoes are so comfortable but I'm not used to wearing heels for that long." She said.

"I'll rub your sexy feet whenever you want baby." Kyle said kissing her neck again. She cut her eyes to me and gave me a look. Kyle was being super clingy and neither of us have seen that side of him yet. I don't think she hated it, maybe just a little surprised.

"I made some cheesecake. Do you want some?" I asked her. Her eyes lit up.

"Oh my gosh yes. Can I eat it in the bath tub though. I need a soak." She said. Kyle's head popped up.

"No worries. I'll go start the bath for you so when you're done you can just slip in." He said. He gently moved her to the other seat and headed out the room.

"Oh my god. What happened today? He's never been like this." She said. I smiled.

"He just missed you. He's been pouting since you called and said you would be late." I told her cutting a slice of the cheesecake and handing it to her. It was her favorite dessert and I made it just for her. The first bite she closed her eyes and moaned softly. The sound went right to my cock. Fucking hell, the noises she makes are so sexy.

"How did you find out about Troy and Raven?" I asked trying to ignore the intense feeling of need that just hit me. I wanted her to enjoy her cheesecake before Kyle and most likely me as well, devour her tonight.

"From the moment they saw each other you could feel the need coming off of them. They were nothing but professional around me but it's kind of like when I met you and Kyle for the first time. I could see how much you wanted each other." She said licking her spoon in way that probably wasn't supposed to be sexy but I about cum in my pants. I stared at her mouth as she took another bite.

"Kind of how you are looking at me now." She said in a sexy voice. I bit my bottom lip and raised my eyes to hers.
Her breath caught and she dropped her spoon.

"Maybe we should go upstairs." I said my voice coming out a lot deeper than intended. She nodded and hurriedly stood up. I grabbed the cheesecake and followed her out the room. I put it away and double checked the doors before heading upstairs. I would clean up...later. I took the stairs two at a time and when I got to our room I found Kyle stripping Ebony. He was being so frantic it had her giggling.

"Kyle." She whimpered when he gave up and ripped her dress open. She wasn't upset by it just kind of shocked. I was shocked, ripping clothes was my thing. I stepped back and leaned against the door as I watched Kyle take her mouth with his. The way she melted into him was sexy as fuck, but I wasn't ready to join in. I just wanted to watch for now. Ebony reached for Kyles clothes and pulled his shirt over his head. She dropped to her knees and pulled his shorts down.

She pushed him back a little so that he was sitting in the edge of the tub and took his cock in her mouth. He dropped his head back and groaned fisting her hair in his hands.

"Fuck baby that feels amazing." He groaned using his hand to guide her back and forth. I was completely hard that it was almost painful standing there and watching.

Kyle's eyes met mine and the smile he gave me was intoxicating.

"Are you going to just stand over there or are you going to join us?" He asked with a moan.

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