Chapter 18- Kyle

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Dante's been shot. Dante's been shot in Greece. Dante's been shot in Greece by Weldon. Fucking Weldon Jenkins, the man who's been harassing my family and hurt Kennedy the week before thanksgiving. Now he's shot a man who has been a brother to me. It could have been Andy or Parker or Kennedy or all of them.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

I punched the glass door in my closet and it shattered cutting my hand up. I growled out and yelled out another fuck and I grabbed a teeshirt and wrapped my bleeding hand.

I grabbed out my suitcase and started stuffing it with clothes and a few shoes. I needed to get over there. The next ten minutes I ran around trying to grab everything I would need. I don't know how bad Dante's been hurt of the state of the others but I needed to be there with them.

"Kyle." Maddie's voice rang out through my house. I dropped the bag that was in my hand and ran to find her. She was halfway up the stairs and when she saw me she burst into tears. I ran to her and caught her before she fell.i lowered us to sit and I held her while she cried fighting to keep my tears from coming. Dale came in a minute later his face pale. 

"I got tickets on the next flight out in 4 hours. That was the only thing I could get." He said. I nodded at him.

"I packed a bag." I told him. He nodded.

"We were on our way to dinner so she hasn't. So I can take her home. Can you meet us there in an hour or so?" He asked. I nodded as he scooped down and picked Maddie up. I kissed her forehead and she whimpered when he separated us. They have been married since they were 18. But her and I have always been inseparable since birth.

"I'll be there soon." I promise her. I help him put her in the car and watch as they pull off. A small silver car with a Uber logo pulls up to the still open gate and Leon and Ebony climb out. Fuck. I didn't want them to see me like this. Leon is pissed as he comes walking up to me.

"I know something is seriously wrong but don't ever send us away like that. It may have only been a few days since our relationship started but it's a relationship. If you need to be alone just fucking say that but I don't think you do. You don't have to be alone anymore." He said his voice starting out gruff but softening. He reached up and touched my face then looked down at my hand. Ebony reached out and took my wrapped hand.

"Let's go inside. I'll clean your hand up and we can help you." She said softly. My resolve snapped and the tears came. Leon immediately tucked me to his side and Ebony on the other and they slowly walked me inside. The tears clouded my vision and I just cried. I didn't feel the sting of Ebony picking the glass out of may hand and cleaning it. Or Leon helping me to change my clothes once she was done.

I came to my senses when I felt a warm cloth wiping at my face gently. I blinked my eyes clear to see Ebony still in that sexy blue dress looking down at me with such care and concern I felt my heart clinch.

"Hey baby." She said softly. I completely blacked out while being completely conscious. I pulled her down onto my lap just needing to hold her. Leon came into the room phone to his ear a look of concentration on his face. He glanced at his watch then back at me.

"I'll be on my way in 5." He said before ending the call. "That was Dale. We need to make sure you don't miss your flight." He said to me. I nodded tilting Ebony's face up to mine.

"I don't know how long I'll be gone. I don't think I'll be able to help you with your move." I say softly. Leon reached out and placed his hand on my knee. He had crouched down in front of me.

"I'll make sure everything is good here. I'm sure Linda will be able to help as well. I'll make sure Ebony is moved smoothly. Don't worry about this. Be with your family knowing that I have your back." He said softly. I nodded. He leaned up and kissed me. He pulled back and helped Ebony to her feet. I stood and she hugged me.

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