Chapter 30- Leon

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5 fucking hours. It had been 5 hours since Ebony ran off. 5 hours since Kyle told me he loved me. I groaned dropping my face into my hands. It was so much. I wanted to bask in the happy feeling of Kyle's love but I was worried sick about Ebony. She turned her phone off. I had no way of tracking her until Graysons guy got back to us. We went home after an hour of waiting for some sort of word. She all but ran over Rocco in the parking lot which gave her a 2 minute head start by the time he was able to pursue she was gone.

Kyle put a hand on my leg that was bouncing up and down. "We'll find her." He said softly wrapping a hand in mine. He was so strong through all of this and I've been a hot mess. I don't understand why she's acting this way especially after the amazing weekend we had. I don't doubt her feelings for us I felt them multiple times and especially that day we fucked multiple times, but something was seriously wrong to make her run away from us.

A knock came from the garage door a moment before Grayson walked in. We had told him about our relationship. We didn't think we could hide it from him if he was helping us find him.

"We found her. She turned her phone back on 10 minutes ago. She's in Virginia at a Days Inn off interstate 64." He said grimly. "I called the hotel they said she checked in 20 minutes ago and they she looked okay. I payed them off to make sure she can't leave. So y'all need to find a way to get there as soon as possible so that she doesn't know I did that."

I shot to my feet. "How would we get there in time?" I asked. Kyle stood and walked to me. Wrapping his arms around me. I didn't realize I was shaking until being in his arms made me stop.

"I had one of the planes on standby the last 3 hours. I'll call them to tell them where we need to go." He said into my neck. Relief shot through me at his words.

"Do you want me to send Rocco with you?" Grayson asked. Kyles pulled back from me and turned to him.

"No, if they can keep watching the house that would be great." He said. Grayson nodded and left. Kyle turned back to me.

"Come on baby, let go get our girl." He said pulling me into his body again. I loved touching him and when he touched me. I could hold him forever but the pain of Ebony running was dulling the moment. I needed her just as much as I needed Kyle.

He placed a few kisses on my mouth before we gathered some stuff to leave out. Grayson sent us the location details and on the way to the airport Kyle got it straightened out with the pilot. The closest airport to where she was Richmond which was 30 mins from the hotel. I felt numb and absolutely dreadful the entire flight. I don't know how Kyle kept it together because I was falling apart.

What if she didn't want to come home? What if she didn't want to be with us anymore?

I don't think I could handle any of that. My mind drifted back to the weekend. Did we do something to make her doubt us? Did I? I looked down and Kyle's hand naturally intertwined with mine. Then I thought back to today. We steamy kiss with her before we sat on the couch. I got her a water. Then I touched Kyle even though he was on the other side of her. Was I touching her? I remembered that I had touched Kyle because he had been so tense and upset about Linda and I knew how my touch calmed him. But that's when she had tensed and ran to the bathroom.

I remember that sickening noise of her hitting the floor I had been about to kick down the door after she didn't respond to me, fuck the cost. But Kyle calmly reminded me about the second door in the closet. She seemed to be awake but she was curled in a ball hyperventilating and unresponsive. That fucking killed me.

I thought back moments before she ran away. Kyle told us he loved us and I couldn't keep my emotions at bay. I never cried in front of people but I felt safe with MY people. Kyle had wiped the tears away but I faintly remember Ebony reaching for me.

"Goddamn it." I gasped out, realization hitting me. "I know why she ran." I whispered emotions filling me again. She promised to be open with us. She promised to not take solo trips. Kyle touched my cheek and only then did I realize the tears had come back.

"I think I know too." He said softly, I looked into his eyes that now were wet with unshed tears. "Leon, I'm drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Your touch brings me peace and fights off so much loneliness that it's almost overwhelming to think about. I knew the moment I saw you stepping off that elevator that I wouldn't be able to live my life without you." I reached up through blurry eyes and wiped his tears away. I know exactly how he feels. There is no way I could ever live without this man.

"You bring me hope Kyle. Hope that I thought was lost. And I love you for that. I love you for being able to calm me down with just a touch. To know what I need when I need it.  I told myself I would never love again but you made that impossible. Both of you did. I've never felt so possessive over someone like I do you and Ebony. I feel like shit that she doesn't know that. I feel like shit that she doesn't know how much I love her and how much her leaving like this hurts." I whispered through the tears. Kyle nodded.

"I don't see a place where our relationship ends and Ebony's part in it begins. We are all entwined together. From the moment she stepped off the plane I knew I needed her. Being with the two of you is like breathing, it's so natural but when I don't have you guys it's like I'm suffocating." He said softly. I totally agree with him. I laid my head on his shoulder and we let our silent tears flow until we landed. It was just after 9pm when we pulled up to the almost sketchy looking Days Inn in a Uber. We had stopped to pick up food because I had a feeling she did not eat. I spotted her SUV as soon as we pulled into the parking lot.

We hopped out the Uber and headed inside. The man at the front desk was expecting us and told us what room she was in. The elevator was out of order so we took the stair two at a time. When we got to her door Kyle stopped me from banging on it. Pulling me back down the hallway.

"Take a deep breath babe." He said softly cupping the side of my face. His eyes were red and swollen from tears and his face a splotchy red. He was still incredibly beautiful and I pulled him close and kissed him softly.

He was my breath, he was my everything.

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