Chapter 24- Kyle

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Today was fucking exhausting. First off, jet lag is an absolute bitch. I had a million and one  meetings and couldn't even talk to Ebony asides from a few texts. Leon assured me she was happy and they were having a good day. I felt like I would totally spoil that because I had a bitch of a headache and I was grumpy. I slammed my car door as I got out without even realizing how frustrated I felt.

I took a few deep breaths, I couldn't walk in with this negative energy. The cold air brought me so calm as I walked inside. After the house as protected under a spell every ounce of negativity I was feeling faded as I set my stuff down. The smell of delicious food filled my nose, the Christmas lights were on and the fire place was going. I was just thinking how it was time to take the lights down but I may leave them up a little longer. Soft jazz music was playing from the media station.

Leon was standing in the kitchen chopping something wearing a long sleeve compression shirt and tight dark jeans that showed off his ass and left nothing to the imagination. Ebony was laying on the couch flipping through a magazine humming along to the music. I felt me chest tighten at seeing my house not empty as I walked in. It felt lived in and this is everything I've ever wanted. Leon looked up and smiled. I smiled back at him forgetting all the frustrations of the day.

"Hey handsome. Dinner is almost ready." He said coming over and placing a kiss on my neck then my mouth. I hummed placing my hands on his hips and pulling him against my body. I could fucking get used to this greeting. I heard Ebony and broke the kiss just in time to catch her as she flung herself at me. She loved doing it and I loved holding her. I shifted my hold to make sure I wasn't hurting her side.

"Hey sweetness." I greeted her as she nuzzled my neck. She mumbled something but I couldn't hear her. I placed her in her feet before placing a kiss on her mouth. She tasted like Leon which was so strange for me to notice. I pulled back and smiled at her. She looked good, happy and glowing. That made me smirk, they had a fun day. She took my coat off smiling back up at me.

"Good day?" She asked as I removed my suit jacket ready to be free of it. I didn't have to wear a suit but as the face of Restaurant Inc I found it important. Especially when I was younger, so many people didn't take me seriously in a polo and khaki's so now Kyle Davis in a suit just stuck.

"It was a day. I'm exhausted." I told her giving her a smile. I didn't want to bring the negativity of my day home. Not to my girl. My girl.

"Let's get you fed then you can rest. I know jet leg is a bitch." Leon said pulling down plates and loading them with Lasagna. One of my favorites.

"Damn. I can get used to this." I told him kissing his neck before I took two plate and went to the dinning room setting them down. Ebony followed with another setting it down with napkins and forks. I watched how she visibly winced as she sat down. Her hand dropped between her legs and she bit her lip. I wanted to reach across and take her lip out of her mouth and take it into mine.

Leon came in with a steaming plate of garlic bread and a salad. He disappeared returning with a bottle of sparkling water and an ice pack. He gave the water and pack to Ebony before going back out. She immediately put it between her legs. Understand dawned and I laughed to myself. They must have been fucking all day for her to be that sore. Her eyes met mine before darting away. Was my girl shy at the fact that I knew what they had been doing all day? I would definitely have to revisit this later, preferably when I was balls deep inside of her.

"Water?" I asked her changing the subject of the discussion I was having myself. I know she likes wine.

"I'm taking some pain medicines so it's best that I don't mix it. I haven't had to take any today but I'm just playing it safe." She said her demeanor immediately dropping. I frowned I didn't want to make her sad. I reached for her hand and she let me take it. I was relieved she didn't flinch away. That had killed me yesterday. She gave me a soft smile.

"I'm okay. I feel as safe as I could possibly be with you two." She said. I gave her a soft smile. Leon came back in with a bottle of wine and poured two glasses before sitting down. We dug in and ate in silence we savored the delicious food.

"Wow. Leon this is the best lasagna I've ever had." Ebony exclaimed between bites.

"Thank you. It was the first thing I feel like I learned how to master." He said grinning at her.

"Despite owing a restaurant company I can barely boil water." I told them. Ebony giggled and Leon chuckled.

"That's okay babe. I'll always cook for you from now on." Leon said tapping his knee against mine. Warmth ran through me, I liked when any part of his body touched mine. We finished eating laughing and talking about some of the most randomness shit. Eventually Ebony began clearing off the table. I watched her carefully and my focus immediately cued into the way she favored her uninjured side. I hadn't forgotten about the incident, I just wanted us to enjoy a few moments together before we had to go there.

When she disappeared into the kitchen I turned to Leon who was studying me. The intensity of his stare told me that he knew what I was thinking.

"I was waiting for you before talking to her about it. It upsets me when I think about it still and I don't want to get heated and make her jumpy. Shes been doing very well today." He said in a low tone, I could hear the water running in the sink and dishes being loaded in the dishwasher so I knew she couldn't hear us. I nodded silently chewing on my lip.

"How many times did y'all have sex for an ice pack?" I said, actually surprised at myself for bringing it up. It didn't bother me I was genuinely curious. He tilted his head slightly, maybe unsure where my emotions were. I didn't say anything to reassure him, he didn't have anything to be worried about. His eyes flicked to the doorway then back at me.

"4 maybe 5 times I think, she has a very high libido." He said slowly studying me. My eyebrows raised. I knew we were both horny men but goddamn his dick must be fucking raw.

"Wow." I said before taking a sip of wine. Leon's gaze didn't leave my face.

"What made you change the subject so abruptly?" He asked his forehead creasing. I thought about it. I don't know why I did. I was curious though. Being with Leon and Ebony was the most sex I've had in one day, even in my 20s. I didn't even know that was possible without assistance. But they were both healthy and physically strong. That was all good things.

I was about to come up with a bullshit answer because there was nothing I could say that would make him believe I was just genuinely curious and not jealous when Ebony walked back in.

"Kyle, Leon and I went car shopping today." Ebony said beaming. Leon and I had discussed this at Christmas. He wanted to make sure I was okay with him buying her a car. I didn't mind, as long as she had what she needed. Leon was thoughtful when it came to money. We both had a lot and we both wanted to spoil her but it wasn't a dick measuring competition. I smiled at her.

"Yes, I saw that lovely beast of a car in the garage. But we need to talk before you start going on random joyrides." I told her. Her smiled faltered and she nodded solemnly. I stood up and the noise of my chair made her flinch. I silently cursed myself. I walked over to her and lifted her in my arms and walked to the living room. I settled on the couch with her on my lap. I pulled a blanket over us and she snuggled in closer. I was grateful that she wasn't flinching because she was afraid of us.

Leon settled in next to me and draped her legs over his lap before draping one arm behind me on he couch. His closeness distracted me for a moment. But I collected myself.

"I know this isn't something that will be easy to talk about. But we need to know everything that happened so we can keep you safe." I said as softly as I could. Her eyes immediately began to fill with tears and because of her pure vulnerability I saw on her face her young age made me pause. She was a very smart woman, beautiful and mature but underneath all of that she was still a young woman who was alone in the world and probably used to fighting her demons without anyone to help her.

Leon reached up and softly brushed the tear that slid down her face. "I don't know what we can say to make you believe that we will do anything to keep you safe." He said gently. She turned her face into his hand and closed her eyes letting the rest of her tears cascade down her cheeks.

"I believe you." She said in a whisper. "I just don't want you two to hurt anyone because of me."

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