Chapter 16- Kyle

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Was I embarrassed about my middle of the night breakdown? Yes, Yes I was.

God I wanted so bad to just let myself fall with no caution but being skeptical is basically my middle name. I spent the next hour working out after giving Leon his coffee. I needed to work out my emotions. I pushed myself harder than I normally do until I was drenched in sweat and my body couldn't take anymore. I went downstairs into one of the other garages where I had my punching bag and a sauna. I also had a treadmill on the other side of the room but I never used it. I wasn't much for running.

I wrapped my hands and began going in on my punching bag

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I wrapped my hands and began going in on my punching bag. Even with my muscles being tired this was my favorite thing to do. It cleared my mind and centered my focus.
I hammered the bag for a good twenty minutes before I paused my boxing bouncing from one foot to another while making a small circle around the bag. Fuck this felt good.

My mind immediately flashed back to what also felt good last night as I started back at the bag. I'm a lucky man to have met those two amazing individuals who I know no matter what I can't let go. As that thought popped into my head Ebony came into the room as if my mind summoned her. She was dressed in a black sports bra and high waisted black shorts that hugged her every curve, her hair up in a small ponytail. I had to stop boxing to watch and appreciate her gorgeous body.

I wanted to lick every inch of her and then hear her delicious cries as I bring her to orgasm with my tongue

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I wanted to lick every inch of her and then hear her delicious cries as I bring her to orgasm with my tongue. I realized she was saying something as I blinked back the visual that popped in my head.

"Do you mind if I run?" She asked. I shook my head. She smiled almost shyly then walked to the treadmill she got on and her back was to me. I stared at her as she began to walk, she was mesmerizing. I started punching the bag again as she began to sprint, she was even sexy when she ran. My cock was painfully hard as I watched her run. I finished my workout stripped off my shirt, toweled down and climbed in the sauna. I could still see her from where I sat and I watched her. I felt like a creep but I've also fucked her so I feel like maybe it's okay to stare. I don't know if that logic is any good.

She finished sweat pouring down her face, she smiled at me as she saw the sauna. I waved her to come in and she did. She slid down her shorts so that she was just wearing black underwear that left nothing to the imagination.

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