She saw that the bushes started to spread and here, they seemed to move on their own. She took a step back, her heart beating even faster. Suddenly, a large, black wolf emerged from the bushes, its fur standing on end and its teeth bared in a snarl. It was even bigger than she had imagined, its muscles rippling beneath its sleek coat. The wolf crouched low, ready to pounce.

But Regan wasn't going to back either. She gathered her spells and threw a burst of fire at the wolf. The wolf winced in pain and backed away a little. But it turned back on its position again. Regan casted a protective shield around her and sprinted in a run. She almost stumbled on the vines and woods and she could hear the wolf's growls.

Regan shot the wolf with flames, hoping it'd lose its footing at least. She managed to trick him, ran and hid behind a tree. The wolf growled and tried to find her. The forest was full of danger and she knew she had to be careful. She kept running and running, trying to find a way out of this place.

After what seemed as eternity, the wolf had lost her. Regan took some time to catch her breath, her heart still racing.

As she brushed the sweat off her forehead, she could see a pyramid towering behind the woods. It was covered with vines and leaves. It's color was not noticeable since it was night.

This must be the temple, Regan thought to herself as she approached the pyramid. It was larger than she had first imagined, its sides covered in ancient carvings and other unknown languages that looked like they had been worn away by time. The vines and leaves that covered it made it appear as if it had been reclaimed by the forest, and it was a wonder that she had even been able to spot it through the trees.

As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a large wave of fear wash over her. On the center of the pyramid, was a small door she could see. But the problem was, how could she enter there alone? She was terrified. What if Agnes had lied her and wanted her to die there?

Right now, she really hoped she had someone with her. As she stared at the door on the pyramid, she tried to gather her courage. She couldn't lose her courage now. She had gone too far at this point. She had done so many things. She had rised rebellions, she had killed bad monsters, she had escaped from so many dangerous situations.

She had to be brave now. She had to be strong now. She couldn't let fear win. She had to get inside that pyramid. She had to get the sword that Agnes was babbling about and then she had to open the portals of Oblivion and find her mother.

With courage filling her veins, Regan stepped forward and brought her hand near the door. It was made of stone, covered in intricate carvings and runes that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light. She took a deep breath and placed her hand on it.

The door, immediately, started to slowly slip open. She stared in surprise as she door revealed a dark chamber. A pitch black chamber to be more precise.

"Oh, God." Regan whispered, trying to see something. But she couldn't see anything.

She brought the lantern close to the ground and saw that there were some stony old brown tiles.

As she took a shaky step inside, the lantern glowed dimly. She leaned more and could see the chamber was large, with murals and colorful mosaics om the walls, shining from the dim light.

Taking a shaky breath, Regan stepped in with her both legs. The stone door slipped closed after all, making the walls on it groan in noise and the dust flicker around the fire. Regan flinched, having no idea how she was going to get out now.

She was now completely alone in the dark, musty chamber. The only source of light came from the flickering torch in her hand. The ancient murals on the walls depicted strange, otherworldly creatures and other carved words in symbols and letters. Maybe if she had more knowledge, she would have known what they spoke about.

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