Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 57

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                                    Falling in love at school/ Chapter 57

"Why Miss Abigail Castle ! I do believe you are a tease." 

Alice teased as they walked home from school together. 

Abby laughed as she shook her head. 

"Josh make her stop!"

 Laughing he also shook his head. "Nope."

 He winked as he popped the P part. 



"ALLY!"    "In here."

 Ally smiled and walked out of the kitchen where Abby, Alice and Josh walked in. 

"Sup Guys." "Hey Ally!"

 Alice squealed. "Hey Kid." 

"Hey All." "Hey Josh." She whined and high fived him. 

"Where's Noah?" "He stayed at school to help Johanna with some class project,"

 "K, I'm just packing." "Oh." 

Abby sighed and put her books down.

 Noticing Ally bit her lip but didn't say anything since her friends where there. 

"Ya, Mom and Dad should be home by 6."

 "I hope! I want to talk to your dad!" 

Josh stated with a smile. "Your dad is the coolest!" 

"He is pretty cool." Abby winked.


It was 6:30 and Noah had come home with Johanna an hour before. 

All the kids except Joe who was taking a nap and Ally who was packing were at the table doing homework.

 Mom texted me Abby, they'll be home in 5 minutes and they're bringing Chinese." 

"Yes!" "Lucky!"

 "And I told them you two were over so dad said he would get you to some too."

 "See! I told you your dad was awesome!"

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