Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 67

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                                        Falling in love at school/ Chapter 67

Kate and Rick left the part 2 hours later both needing to get out of there.

Kate was thinking about how to tell him about the conversation she had with his blonde bimbo publicist!

 When they got home they got changed and were now cuddling in their over sized bed. 

Kate decided it was now or never so she began to tell him.


"She said what?!"

 Rick sat up in the bed and looked at Kate.

 "Kate I.." 

"It's ok, I put her in her place." 


 "But Rick.. Why did you pick me?"

Rick was dumbfounded by the question, 13 years of marriage and she still had doubts?!

 "Kate you know why." 

"Tell me again?" She said shyly.

"Because you were real, you loved.. love, me for me and I love you for you."

 "I thought so."

 She smiled and snuggled into him. 



 "Love you." 

"Love you too." He smiled and closed his eyes.




 "Guess what!" Abby squealed. 

"What?" Rick yawned as he drank his coffee. 

"So in school my teacher said today we're going to be with one of our classes parent's! 

Like Josh got Michelle lewis's mom! And she's a journalist." 

"Oh ya, I remember you telling me about that." 

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