Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 38

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Well here's Chapter 38!!!!!!!!!


                                          Falling in love at school/ Chapter 38


"Ok sign here and here." Rick quickly signed the paper that would reinstate himself as Ally's full parent and that meant she was officially his daughter again and nothing would take that away.

"You'll need Kate's signature." "Mind if I just.." The man chuckled and nodded. "Sure, I won't tell." Rick winked and forged his wife's name onto the paper.

"Ok Ricky, Ally is officially back in custody with you." "Thank you so much Bob, How about dinner next week?" "You're on." "Great."

he shook his hand then walked out. "Ally." She rubbed her eye and looked up. "Ally you're coming back home sweetie and you're never leaving again."

She suddenly lit up and hugged her dad. "promise?!" "Promise!" She hugged him and never wanted to let go. "I love you daddy!" "I love you too sugar!"

He smiled and hailed a cab, helping Ally and Pepper in.


When they reached the loft Ally was thrilled to be back home where she grew up for 6 years.

"How about a bath and then we can get some food into you!" "Ok!" She smiled and ran up to her old room that was exactly the same.

She was glad they didn't change anything. She hopped in the shower remembering how Kate taught her to shampoo her hair and wash her body.

Getting out and smiling as Rick walked in, "Want some help with your clothes?" She nodded. "Ok."

He smiled and pulled out some comfy sweat pants and a silver tank top. "Here." "Thanks daddy." He missed her calling him that and she missed telling him that.

After she was dressed and they brushed her hair they were in the kitchen making pasta. Rick was over excited knowing that when he woke up that Ally was still going to be here, she was always going to be here from now on.

He had to admit it helped being friends with the Mayor. Soon hearing the door open he looked at his watch the read 4:30. Kate! She was also going to be thrilled. "Rick I'm home!" "In the kitchen!" He bent down and whispered to Ally.

"Hide." She started shaking and he realized. "No no sweetie not like that. I want mommy to be surprised when she sees you."

She stopped shaking and nodded. She hid behind the counter and watched her dad kiss her mommy who walked into the kitchen.

Her stomach looked bigger and she looked even happier. "Hey how was work?" "Great, it was a long day." "Oh, I have a surprise for you." "Really?"

"Mmm Hmm, ALLIE!" Her eyes widened as Ally giggled and came out behind the counter. "A..A..Ally!" "Mommy!"

She smiled and hugged her mom. Kate began to tear as she hugged her daughter. "Oh Ally!" "I missed you mommy."

"Oh honey I missed you too! So much!" She kissed her head and smiled. "What happened! How did you find her!"

"Actually she found me." He began telling her everything and even how he forged her signature for the papers.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry about your mommy." Ally looked down, "It's ok, I still have you for my mommy."

"Yes you do and you're never leaving again! You're living with us forever!" "I'm so happy! Mommy was ok but she wasn't like you or daddy, I wanted to come home and now I am!"

Both adults smiled and their daughter and nodded. "Yes Ally, You are! Your home for good now!"



Caskett: FALLING IN LOVE AT SCHOOLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon