Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 30

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Falling in love at school/ Chapter 30

Well Here is Chapter 30 !!!! Thoughts ? After school maybe I'll post another chapter..

"No! as soon as dinner is over we're having a re- match." "Your on bro." They were laughing and having a good time. "This pizza is awesome!" "Thanks." Kate smiled and took another bite. "Daddy, can we have ice cream after dinner?" "Sure."

The girl smiled and ate her pizza in peace. "So Castle, how many books have you written?" "Too many." Laughing Kevin sipped his Ice tea. "So Ally how old are you?" Jenny asked as she took some pizza. "I'm 5 !"

She said with excitement, which made the adults laugh. "She's adorable." "I know right." Rick smiled and wiped his mouth with a napkin. Ally giggled and finished her pizza slice, after dinner the boys continued to play video games and jenny and Kate watched a movie with Ally.

It was getting late and Jenny informed Kevin it was time to go. They thanked Rick and Kate for the wonderful time and asked if they could get together again. Getting an instant yes from both of them, Javier soon let after also thanking them. Soon Rick and Kate were in their own bed after putting Ally to bed.

"I had a great time." "Me too." She smiled and snuggled into his chest. "Get some rest." "Mmm hmm." She softly moaned and closed her eyes drifting away into sleep. "Love you."

"Love you too." He smiled and also closed his eyes falling asleep.


"DADDY!!" "I'm up I'm up."

He gave a yawn and sat up. Kate was still sleeping and she looked cute when she did. "Daddy I'm hungry!" "Ok, don't wake Kate up." "Sorry." She giggled and ran out with Rick behind her. "Daddy when is my little brother or sister going to be here?" "In a few months pumpkin." "I can't wait!"

"I'm glad." He smiled and kissed her head and walked into the kitchen. "So your birthday is coming up, anything you want?" She lit up and smiled. "Ya! Daddy I want a puppy!" "A puppy!" "Oh please!!"

"I don't know, dogs are a lot of responsibility." "I would walk it and feed it!" "Let me talk to Kate." "Yay!" She hugged him. "That's not a yes." "But it's not a no." She was smart for a 5 year old. "Alright go get dressed." She smiled and ran up the stairs. He was cooking the pancakes when Kate came out.

"Morning." "Morning." She yawned and sat on the bar stool. "So I heard a happy scream of Ally, what happened?" "She wants a puppy for her birthday." "What did you say?" "I said I'd talk to you." "So she took it as a yes." Kate laughed and drank some orange juice, "So are you going to let her?" "I don't know, what do you think?"

"I think you should, this could be an opportunity to teach her responsibility." "True, okay I'll tell her when she gets down." Kate smiled and ate the pancakes he handed her. "Ok daddy I'm dressed." "Great, so me and Kate decided you can have a puppy." Ally smiled and jumped up and down. "Yay!! Thank you Daddy! Thank you Kate!"

They both smiled at her, "So when do you want to get it?" "Today!" "You sure? Do you want to wait till next week since it's your actual birthday?" "No today!" "Ok then." He chuckled.

"Kate how about after school you and Ally meet me at the pet store." "Sounds like a plan." "I'm getting a puppy I'm getting a puppy!"~

"Mommy Mommy !" "Ok, ok, bye Frank." She waved to the board director and walked down the school steps.

"Puppy puppy PUPPY!" "Ally calm down." "Sorry." "Kate chuckled and hailed a cab. The whole ride their Ally bounced up and down yelling 'puppy.'"Daddy!"

"Hey you two." He smiled and excused himself from the teenage girl he was talking too. Giving Kate a kiss and Ally a tap on the nose he smiled and walked back over.

"Kate, Ally, meet Olivia, she's going to help us choose a puppy." "Hi I'm ally!" "Hi there, I'm Olivia." "And I'm Kate."

She smiled and shook her hand. "So Ally so how about we get your puppy now."

Caskett: FALLING IN LOVE AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now