Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 19

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 Falling in love at school/ Chapter 19

"Ooh Great I'd love to help." They smiled and followed the Woman whose tag read Lanie. "So folks what kind of Style are you looking for?" Rick scratched his head and shrugged. "I honestly am fine with just a nice band." "hmm you look like the kind of man who could use a silver band." "Works for me." "Great." She walked over to the men's section and pulled out a nice silver band, handing it to Rick who tried it on. "Fit's perfectly." "Great." "I'll take it." "Awesome, and for your beautiful lady?" "Now that's up to her." "Nothing too fancy." "Kate &.." "Rick I know you can afford it, it's not that I just don't want anything huge!" "Ok." "Thank you." She smiled and turned back to Lanie. "So what kind of ring wouldn't be too large but too small?" "Hmm," she smiled and walked over to the women's section and pulled out a tray of diamond rings of all shapes and sizes.

Realizing her eyes widening Kate looked at all of them, From the smallest to the largest. "Wow!" "I know, now what's your price range?" Rick cut in quickly, "Anything." Kate sighed and shrugged. "Doesn't matter." "Goodness, this guy rich or something." "Um ya." "Oh." "But I want the perfect ring." "Ok, She smiled and took out two rings. One was a single band with small diamonds all around it and the other was the same but with a huge diamond in the middle with a gorgeous pattern and diamonds around it, It made Kate's eyes widen. "I think she found the one." "Me too." "They'll look perfect on you." "They?" "Yes these two rings are a set. You wear the diamond band and then the ring over it." "Oh." She was in love with them, she looked at Rick who gave her a wink which meant 'get them'. She smiled and turned back to Lanie. "I'll take them." "Awesome, just try them on first." "Right." She smiled and put them on and they fit perfectly. "They're perfect." "Great, Let's get these rings paid for." "Sounds good."

The three adults walked over to the cashier area and waited for Lanie to ring up the price. "Ok with your band it's only $200, and your rings will come too $4,500." Jaw dropping Kate immediately took them off but got narrowing eyes from Rick. "Rick it's way too much." "Kate come on please." She wanted to protest but oh she loved the rings. "Ok." He smiled and took out his checkbook. Handing the nice woman his payment she smiled and rung up an reciept for him. "Here you are." "Thanks." He smiled and took the receipt with a charming smile. "OMG! Your Richard Castle!" "The one and only." "I knew you looked familiar!" "Girl you are lucky!" "Don't I know it." Chuckling she smiled and walked out from behind the counter. "Well enjoy your rings." "Thanks." "Anytime." "You Know you look oddly familiar." "Hmm, I don't think we've ever met,I just moved here from california." "No wonder, you went to stanford!" "Um ya I did!" "I remember you in one of my classes." "Ya now I remember, you were in the education major. I'm in medical major, training to be a medical examiner." "Yes, good luck with that." "Thanks, maybe we can see each other again." "Hopefully, well see you." "See ya." She waved and watched them leave soon attending to another customer.Rick and Kate walked out with their rings on smiling as they got into the town car telling Alfred to take them to his loft.

As soon as they got to his loft they were greeted by An excited Ally. "Daddy! Daddy!" "Ally Ally." She giggled and jumped up and down. "Guess what!" "What?" "Paige called and asked me to go with her to the zoo! Can I go Can I go!" "Hmm, I don't see why not. Me and Kate need to plan where we are going on our honeymoon anyway so sure go on." "Yay!" She hugged him. "Thanks daddy!" "no problem pumpkin." They smiled only hear a  big knock on the door.



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