Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 41

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                                               Falling in love at school/ Chapter 41

"Aww they're so cute!" Ally squealed as she watched her new siblings sleep. "Oh my they are!" Martha exclaimed.

"Yo girl, I have to admit these are some cute babies."

"Thanks Espo." He winked. "Bro we got a murder." "Dang." "We'll see you guys later."

"Bye guys!"

She smiled and watched her friends leave. "Well Kiddo I have to scoot, I'll see you tomorrow." "Ok Martha." She smiled and watched her mother leave.

It was just her, Ally, Rick and Johanna. "How are you feeling sweetie?" "Tired."

"I bet, you need to rest." Kate nodded and watched the nurse come and take her babies. She didn't want them to leave but it was protocol.

"The doctor said you did great so you can go home tomorrow." "Phew." "But we have to pick names before we leave." "Right." She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Sweetie, "I'll take Ally home with me tonight since Rick is staying." "Thanks mom."

"No problem sweetie." She kissed her daughter's head and took Ally's hand leaving Kate and Rick by themselves. "Hey." "Hey." She smiled and closed her eyes.

"You did great." "I hope." "You did." "Thanks." "Always." He kissed her forehead and rubbed her arm. "Kate.." "Hmm?" "We really need to choose names."

"I know." She sighed and sat up. "Ok let's see.." "Ugh." "It's hard." "Ya." She laughed. "I've got it!"


"I've got it calm down there buckaroo." Rick laughed as he took Noah out of Kate's arms leaving her with Abigail.

"Sorry I thought I could handle them both." "That's why you have me." She smiled and kissed him before walking into the loft.

"Ah home! Welcome to your new home guys." Both babies smiled and looked up at their parents. "They like it." "Ya."

Kate smiled and began walking up the stairs to the nursery. "I'm glad we got that 2 set." "Me too."

She smiled and placed Abigail in the girl crib and watched Rick put Noah in the boy crib. "Sleep tight little man."

Noah wiggled and looked up at his dad with his blue eyes. "He's got your eyes, it makes him look even ,more handsome." Rick felt proud and looked at his son.

"He does doesn't he." "Ya now come one, they need to sleep." "Right." He closed the door behind them and walked downstairs to be greeted by Pepper.

"Hey girl." Pepper barked and made whimpering noises. "Hungry?" She barked and jumped up and down. "Ok ok."

Rick chuckled and walked into the kitchen, dumping some kibble into the dog bowl. "There you go girl." Pepper barked and ate. "Kate." "Ya?" "Where's Ally?"

"My mom is bringing her later." "Oh ok." He ruffled his hair and walked over to the couch sitting down. "So how are you feeling?"

"Like I had 2 babies." He chuckled and shook his head. Kate smiled and sat beside him.

"What about you papa bear, were you nervous?" "You have no idea." Kate laughed and caressed his jaw line. "I was just fine."

He smiled and kissed her nose getting a smile from her.


"Daddy!" "Hey pumpkin, have a good time with Jojo?"

"Ya!" She smiled and ran over to the couch. "Jojo left but was with me till the elevator."

"Ok good." "Where's mommy?" "Shower." "Oh, can I see the babies?!" "Not right now, they're sleeping."

"Oh." Ally sighed and sat down on the couch.

"You can see them later." "Okay." She sheepishly smiled and played with her hair.

"You hungry?" "No." "Why not?" "Jojo fed me." "Of course she did."

Rick laughed and sat up.

"Well I'm going to order some food for me and Kate then." "Ok." She sighed and walked up the stairs.

Rick raised and eyebrow wondering what was wrong with Ally. He shrugged his shoulders and went on calling the chinese take out. "Ok thanks."

He smiled and hung the phone up.

He was about to go to his office when he heard a loud scream. "Ahh! RICK!"


DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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