Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 51

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                          Falling in love at school/ Chapter 51

I'm so sorry Rick! I was so selfish! Please forgive me! She was sobbing into his shirt.


"Please!" "KATE!" I forgive you! "Y..You do?!"

"Yes, You know why I was upset and you fixed it." She wiped her eyes and nodded.

"Well.. I guess a kiss could make me completely forgive you." "I can do that."

She smiled and sat up cupping his face and softly kissing him.

He smiled, getting a small moan from her. He hesitantly pulled away with a smack.

"We really need to sleep and.." "Ya."

She panted and laid back down. Only he could do that to her.


"Rick.." "Rick!" "Mmm."

He flickered his eyes and looked up at Kate who had a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" "You're burning up!" "What?"

He felt his forehead and shook his head. "Ahh, My head feels weird."

"I called Gate's and told her I was taking today off, your clearly sick."

"You took off for me?" "Yes." "Thank you." She smiled and stroked his forehead.

"Want some orange juice?" "Please." "I'll be right back."

She smiled and walked out."Morning mom." "Morning guys." "So you and dad?"

"We're good now." "Phew!" "But he's sick."

"SICK! My tryouts!" "Noah, your dad is sick! I think you can understand if he can't come!"

"Darn." "Sorry sweetie." "Whatever, I have to get to school." "Ok have a good day."

"Bye mom!" Abby yelled as she ran out the door with Noah behind her.

Soon the 16 year old came down whistling. "Morning." "Morning, sleep well?"

Caskett: FALLING IN LOVE AT SCHOOLOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora