Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 60

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HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!! HERE'S A NEW CHAPTER FOR U ALL !!!!!!!!!!!


                                        Falling in love at school/ Chapter 60

"Well case solved in an hour! Castle you amaze me every day."

 "Rick why are you talking to yourself!"

 "Err, I'm not." He chuckled and walked towards the elevator.

 "Thanks for your help."    "Always." 

He smiled and kissed her cheek.


"MOM! DAD!" 

"Abby! What!" "Come on, we're gonna be late to school! 

"Oh, Rick." "On it." Rick yawned and sat up. "Come on!"

 "I'm coming!"


"Ok, Let's get you kids to school."

 "Please!" Abby laughed and took Jo's hand. 


 "Coming!" Noah jumped down the stairs with his book bag.

 "Gotta fix my hair!" "In the car!"

 "Fine! Dad can we take the ferrari?!"     "Ugh."

 "Please!!"    "Fine." 

"YES!!" Noah jumped and fistbumed his dad. 

"Ok, ok, come on."


"Josh! Look." 

Alice pointed the red ferrari that pulled up, getting everyone's attention. 

"Is that Noah and Abby?!"    "Ya!"

 Noah stepped out of the front seat, While Abby climbed out the back with Jo. 

"If Noah wasn't already the most popular kid in school, he is now." 

"Ya." The two friends walked up to Abby. "Hey."

 "Hey guys." "Bye Joe." "Bye Abby!" The 5 year old smiled and ran to her class. 

"Bye dad!" "Bye guys." Rick waved and drove off. "Dude, your dad is so cool!" 

Caskett: FALLING IN LOVE AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now