Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 29

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And here is that extra chapter I promised you guys :) ! Enjoyyyyy


Falling in love at school/ Chapter 30

Kate was at the part where she got the phone call from Ryan. "Ryan as the detective who saved you at the park?" Kate nodded. She finally finished telling him everything that happened. "But you're sure she's ok?!" "Yes positive." "Ok good." He let out a deep breath and rubbed his face. "I hope you don't mind but I invited Javier and Kevin over for dinner, I told them it was the least we could do."

He nodded and put his hands together." "Ya that's fine, i'd like to meet them." 'Great." Kate smiled and kissed his head, "Don't worry, she's ok." "I know I just can't believe those boys would tell her that." "Me either but I ensured her it wasn't true." "What did she say?" "She knew it wasn't true, she just needed to hear it."

Nodding he sighed and sat back. "Hey." She placed her hand on his knee and he looked up with his sparkling blue eyes that always made her melt. "Love you." He smiled and kissed her softly. "Love you too." She smiled and stood up. "What should we make for dinner?" "Nothing fancy." "I know that." "How about pizza? Make your own of course."

"sounds good to me." He smiled and stood up. ~Kate was making the pizza dough with Ally while Rick was setting the table when the doorbell rang. "I got it." He put his hand through his hair and walked over. Putting on his smile he opened the door where a hispanic man stood. "Javier?" "Ya."

He smiled and opened the door. "Welcome." "Thanks bro." he took off his jacket, he looked at Rick. He didn't look at all what he expected, he was in jeans and a regular dress shirt, the loft was huge but not too too fancy. "Javi!" Ally ran down and smiled and her new friend.

"Hey there squirt." "Is Kevin here ?" Kate asked as she walked out from the kitchen. "Ugh he is picking up Jenny." "Ok great." she smiled and gave him a quick hug then went back to the kitchen with Ally.

She wanted to let him and Rick get to know each other. "So Castle." Rick Liked the sound of that. "What kind of stuff you like to do?" "Write, work out, play video games." "Pshh,, bet you never played Call of duty."

Rick laughed and shook his head. "Come with me." He took him to his office where Espo's eyes widened. It was video game heaven ! He had the Xbox 1 and headsets with almost every war and sport's game out there. "It's heaven!"

"Welcome to my man cave." Espo knew this wasn't at all what he thought Rick would be like! He was just like him and not snobbish."Wanna play?" "Your on." "Madden?" "15?" "Bro, I got 15, 14, 13 and every other." He laughed and sat on the couch. "It's on."

"BOYS!" Rick, Javi and Kevin were yelling at the tv while Kate and jenny were trying to get their attention. "Guys!" "Babe hold on." Kate walked over and stood in front of the tv. "Oh come on!" "Guys I'm serious, 5 more minutes and then dinner." 'Fine." "Thank you."

She laughed and walked out. Jenny and Kevin arrived an hour ago and Rick immediately knew he was going to be good friends with both men, after all they were having a heated battle in call of duty. Jenny and Kate were talking to each other and were becoming friends.

Ally entertained herself by watching finding nemo while she waited for dinner. "So Kate how long have you and Rick been married?" "4 months." "New couple." "Ya." "So Ally?" "She's adopted, Rick had her before I knew them." "Ooh."

"But I love her like my own." "I can see." "And..Are you pregnant?" "Ugh, yes how did you know?" "You're not drinking wine." "Oh." Chuckling Kate put her elbows on the counter. "ya, just a few weeks along." "Congrats."

"Thanks, so when you and Kevin getting married?" "Soon hopefully, we've been dating almost 8 months." "Wow." "Ya, I really love him." "I can see, so how about some more wine?"


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