Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 31

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Hey guys.. It's my dad's Bday today so I'm a update early so I don't forget .. Enjoy !


              Falling in love at school/ Chapter 31

"Ya!" She smiled and followed the teenager to the back of the store where puppies and dogs of all shapes and sizes were. "Daddy look! They're sooo cute!" "They are." He smiled and patted a few. Ally walked through each cage and carefully looked at each one.

None of them grabbed her attention though. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks and bent down at the cage in front of her. In front of her was a gorgeous puppy with blue eyes, she wasn't small though but bigger than the rest.

Olivia saw and smiled opening the cage, "Now before she comes out there's something you should know about her." "What is it?" She took the puppy and placed her in front of her. "Meet pepper, a husky/ german shepherd mix."

Ally looked at her and gasped, "That's what I was going to tell you, she only has 3 legs." "What happened?!" "Her mother abandoned her when she was born, when we found her she was like this so I'm guessing it was a birth defect. No one's ever wanted her because of it."

Ally looked into the puppy's eyes and melted. "I want her, I'm going to be her mommy." Olivia smiled and patted her back. "She's going to love you, as long as you love her." "Oh I will! I don't care if she had 2 legs! I love her!"

"I can see." Rick smiled and spoke up, "How old is she?" "Well Not a brand new puppy, she's about 8 months, that's why she's bigger." "Ok, Ally you're sure?" "Positive!" "Ok then I'll sign the documents." "Great, since she's a rescue it's not as expensive." "Ok." he followed her up front and began signing the papers. Olivia walked back and gave Ally everything she would need to take care of Pepper. "Here you go Ally." She smiled and handed the leash to her.

"Thanks Olivia!" "Anytime, bye pepper." She bent down and kissed her head then walked to another customer. "Ok Ladies shall we go and take Pepper to her new home?" "Ya!" Smiling Ally gently tugged Pepper getting an obedient answer from the puppy. Kate smiled and was quite impressed.

"Wow for the legs she can walk normally." Ally smiled and walked out of the pet shop with her parents behind her. Rick hailed a cab quickly and helped Pepper up.As they rode in the taxi Pepper stood on her to hind legs and put her only front paw on the door looking out the window.

Ally giggled and patted her, Rick and Kate could tell Ally would take good care of the pup. Smiling Kate snuggled into Rick and he smiled wrapping his arms around her body. "Daddy." "Ya Pumpkin?"

"Do you think we should get another puppy so Pepper won't be lonely!" Looking at Kate with a 'help me look' He cleared his throat. "Ugh, maybe in the future." "Ok." She smiled and played with Pepper making the puppy wag her tail and lick her new owner.

"She seems to really like Ally." Rick smiled and his wife and nodded. "Ya she does."  


"Welcome to your new home pepper." Rick smiled and took the clip off of her collar. Pepper barked and started sniffing the unfamiliar place. Ally giggled and scratched her ear, "She likes it here."

Smiling Rick closed the door as soon as Kate walked in and closed the door. "So what should we have for dinner?" Ally immediately perked up, "Pasta!" "Rick?" "Fine with me." "Great I'll start boiling."

"Pepper come on I'll show you my room." Pepper barked and followed Ally upstairs. After they were out of sight Rick chuckled and walked into the kitchen where Kate was boiling the water.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, making her smile. As they stood there, there was a knock at the door and Rick ur wrapped his arms, walking to the door. Right before he opened it there was another knock.

"Coming, Coming." He smiled and opened the door where a  younger woman stood. Rick raised and eyebrow but was polite to her. "Hi, can I help you?"

"Are you Richard Castle?" "Yes." "I'm here for Ally." "Oh, is she friends with you or your daughter?" She shook her head with a chuckle. " Oh no, Mr. Castle, I'm Alyssa's mother.





Caskett: FALLING IN LOVE AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now