Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 37

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Falling in love at school/ Chapter 37

He knew something was wrong. He gently took her to a bench and wiped her tears. "What happened Ally?"

"Me and mommy were running from a man and she told me to get in a dumpster and then I heard nothing and I saw her body on the floor! SHe wasn't moving so I ran to get help!"

"Ok, it's ok sweetie." He kissed her messed up hair and picked her up in his arms whistling for pepper to come.

"show me where she is." She nodded and guided him. They got to the Alley way and He made sure she stayed with Pepper.

He walked up to the dumpster to see the woman who took Ally away from him dead on the floor. He wasn't cold hearted and still felt bad.

This was going to scar Ally but he would help her through it. He took his phone and dialed 911 and soon detectives and cop cars were everywhere. "Hi I'm officer Hastings."

"Rick Castle." "So you discovered the body?" "I already knew it was here." "How?" "My daughter told me, she was..Present during the shooting."

She sadly wrote it in her notebook and sighed. "I'm so sorry, but we will need to take her statement." "I understand." She nodded and walked off to a shaking Ally.

"Rick Needed to talk to Kate and inform her what was going on.

"No man, I say we go to my place and call Castle to come over." soon hearing his name, Rick raised his head where His 2 detective friends walked up, They must have gotten this case.

"Call Castle to come over for what?" "What the.." "Castle?! What are you doing here!" "I ugh, called in the murder." "Man sorry, we got the case though so we'll get who ever did it."

"Thanks, Actually.. Ally was the one who sadly saw the murder go down." "Wait..Ally was taken away with her mother.. How did."

"The victim is Emily Thornton." They looked at each other and then back. "Poor kid." "Ya." He rubbed his face. Soon officer Hastings came back with a crying Ally.

"Here's your daddy sweetie." Rick picked her up. "Uncle Javi ! Uncle Kevin!" "Hi All, it's good to see you." SHe buried her face into Rick's neck and silently sobbed. "All we're going to get whoever did this to your mom."

SHe nodded and kept her face buried. "Castle take her to your loft and get her cleaned up, we'll come by later and talk." "Ok thanks guys."

They nodded and walked over to the body. Before Castle could take her home he wanted so badly to go to the courthouse and sign her back into his full custody, and he knew just how to do it.


"Hey Molly." "Rick?!" "It's been awhile since I've seen you!" "Ya, listen is Bob in?!" "Ya." She pressed the intercom

. "Sir, Rick is here." "oh, send him in." "will do." She smiled and noticed he had her arm tightly around Ally. He thanked her and walked into the Mayor's office.

"Ricky!" "Bob!" "Is that?!" He nodded with a smile. "Oh my gosh! Ally!" "Uncle bobby?!"

He hugged his friends daughter and smiled. "Bob I'm sorry but I need a favor." "Of course."

"Is there anyway you can get me some papers to sign so she can be back in my custody?" "But her mo.." "She was murdered earlier."

"Oh I'm so sorry." "The judge said if anything happened to Emily that me and Kate could have full custody back.

"Well then I will get some documents, In a few minutes you legally be her father again. "Thank you!"

Caskett: FALLING IN LOVE AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now