Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 54

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                                        Falling in love at school/ Chapter 57

(No Wonder I dumped you!")

"Excuse me?!" 

"You heard me! You were never fun ! It's all coming back! 

You never wanted to let anyone in! If I asked you about your dad you would shut me out!

 You never wanted to kiss me or hold my hand! You were pathetic! 

And you still are, you basically have damaged goods on your self! 

I don't want to be your partner anymore!

 You can have her! I feel bad for you Rick! I'd dump her like I did!" 

By now Kate was in tears, how could he say all those things!

 Were they true! Was she damaged goods! Did Rick want to leave her?!

"You see deming that's where you're wrong! I don't want to dump Kate! I love her and I always will! And if you ever talk like that about her again I will kill you and make sure they never find your body!" 

He walked up and punched him in the face again. 

"Now Get out!" Rick warned, Tom growled and walked out.


"Is it true! Am I damaged goods?!"

 "No! Don't you dare think like that!" "But."

 "No buts! Your amazing! And I would have married you if you were damaged goods! But you're not! you're perfect!"

 "Really?" "Really." He smiled and cupped her face kissing her softly. 

"I love you Rick." "I love you too, you perfect woman." 

Smiling she buried her head into his chest. He always knew how to make her feel better.


"Yo Beckett, He gone?" "Ya." "Good."

 Kate smiled and took Jo out of His arms. "Hi sweetie.

" "Momma!" Smiling she kissed her cheek and placed her on her hip. 


"Yes sir?" 

Caskett: FALLING IN LOVE AT SCHOOLOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora