Caskett: Falling in love at school, Chapter 35

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Falling in love at school/ Chapter 35


"Ally come on we can't be late." "But I'm tired." The toddler said as she snuggled back into the bed covers. "Ally!"

Kate said it with a strict tone Immediately making the girl sit up. "Ok." Kate soon dressed her in nice clothes and helped her with her hair. "ok let's go." She took her hand going downstairs where Rick was waiting.

He had nice slacks on with a open blue dress shirt and his blazer on. "Come on guys." "Coming." Kate said as she grabbed her purse.


"All RISE!" Everyone in the courtroom rose as the judge walked in and sat in his chair. "Alright let's begin case 319, Thornton Vs. Castle."

Everyone sat back down and waited for the judge to begin. "Counselor."

"Yes your honor?!" Giving him a nod Castle's lawyer nodded and stood up. "Prosecutor."

Soon Emily and her Lawyer stood up. "Alright, It says here that Alyssa Castle lives with Richard Castle and Katherine Beckett." "That is correct your honor." He motioned for Rick and Kate to stand up and they quickly did.

"Mr. Castle what is your profession?" "I'm a writer your Honor." "And a famous one at that." "I'm not bragging." The judge smiled and turned to Kate. "And your profession?"

"I'm a principal at Marlowe Prep." "Ahh very nice school." She nodded and nibbled the inside of her cheek. "Miss Thornton." "Yes your Honor?!" "I see you are a fashion designer." "yes that is correct."

"I also see that you aren't married." "Not yet." "Ah." "Miss Thornton, why did you want custody of Alyssa Castle?"

"Because I'm her mother! Her real mother!" "I see, but you haven't been in her life her over 6 years. Why all of the sudden would you want her?"

"Because Now I have a stable job with good pay, I've always wanted Ally. Well after she was gone for more than a month." "ah." He was looking at a file as she spoke. "You do know that Mr. Castle has sole custody over her."

"I know that but I'll fight to the death if I have to." "We'll see." She sat back down and clasped her hands.

"Mr. Castle" Rick immediately stood up, "I assume you're going to fight this." "Yes, I'm going to fight, She's not going to get my daughter. Yes she's her biological mother but I raised Ally. I gave her my love and everything I had, I love her too much to let her go."

"I see, Well it seems both of you have stable jobs and so does your wife." He nodded, "It seems both of you are fit to have her but my decision isn't the one that really matters. "Sorry?"

"Bailiff, Bring in Alyssa Castle." The man nodded and walked out of the courtroom soon coming hand in hand with Ally. He sat her in the chair with a pillow for prop.

Rick and Kate looked at her with encouraging looks, they were praying she would pick them. "Hello Alyssa, I'm judge MacArthur." "Hi."

She shyly smiled and cuddled her bunny. "So I've been talking to both of your parents and well now it's your turn to talk."

"Ok." "Does Mr. and Mrs. Castle treat you nicely?" "Oh yes! Daddy and mommy are the best." "And what about Mrs. Thornton?"

"Mommy's nice too!" "So.. Who do you want to live with?" Ally looked at Kate and Rick then to Emily. Emily made a sad face which she knew Ally would react to. "I choose... Ugh.. Mommy."

"Which Mommy sweetie?" Ally looked down with a whisper. "My real mommy." Suddenly Emily stood up with a smile soon forgetting about being 'sad'.

Rick and Kate stood there in each other's arms both wanting to cry. The judge hit his mallet, I turn sole custody over to Emily Thornton.

The judge was hoping she would choose Kate and Rick but it wasn't his full decision. "Also If anything happens to Miss Thornton Richard Castle and Katherine Beckett will regain the full custody of Alyssa..Thornton."

They gave a weak nod and began to walk out. Emily picked Ally up and smiled walking out, seeing Rick and Kate.

"Umm Mr. Castle." He didn't say anything just had a blank stare. "I can't say I'm sorry you lost but If you want to say goodbye to Ally that's fine." He nodded and watched her walked away for a second.

"Ally." "Yes Daddy?" "You know now you're not going to live with me or Kate anymore." "huh?!" She was genuinely shocked. "But mommy said if i chose her I would still see you guys."

He realized that Emily had basically told her to pick her but there was nothing he could do. "if I knew I wasn't gonna see you again I would have picked you and momma."

"Oh pumpkin." He wrapped her in a hug not wanting to let go. "it's ok. I'm going to miss you so much but I'll make sure to talk to you when I can." She started to tear realizing she was actually leaving her dad.

"I don't want to leave you!" She practically screamed as Emily came over. "Ally come." "NO!" "Ally!" She tugged her arm dragging her away. "MOMMY!" She didn't even get to tell Kate goodbye.

"All!" She buried her face into Rick's chest about to sob.They watched Ally scream as emily carried her out. he wanted to go after her but he couldn't.

"Kate." "Rick I'm so sorry." She knew it was way harder on him, She was still new to the family and only felt half of what he was going through.

"My..My mother doesn't even know what happened! She's in Paris Right now for an acting gig!" "Oh Rick." She hugged him and wanted to comfort him but this wasn't going to be easy.

"She's gone Kate! She's gone and there's nothing I can do about it!" "Rick It's not your fault!" "How!" "Because It just isn't !" He gave up and nodded. "Come on, let's get you some coffee and I'll get a tea so we can calm down."

"Ok." He sighed and walked out of the courthouse where reporters were waiting. They were able to get past them and into the town car.


"WHAT!" "Mother please." They were on the phone that night in the bed. "Mother." "Richard why didn't you call me!"

"You wouldn't have answered." She sighed and took a deep breath. "I'll be on the next flight out." "Ok." He locked the phone and got deeper in the covers when Kate walked in rubbing her lotioned hands.

"Hey." "Hey." "What did she say?" "She's going to be on the next flight in." "Ok." She turned one light off and climbed in next to him. "It's going to be alright."

"I know." He said with a small voice and closed his eyes. "Love you." "Love you too." He wrapped his arm around his wife and closed his eyes wondering how Ally was doing without him.

He missed her so much already, not knowing how they would get along with the happy little girl in their lives...


*HIDES IN CORNER* Please Don't Kill Me ! I know you probably want to but don't worry ! Caskett wouldn't be Caskett without tough situations ! By the way this chater was a super long one... Basically I put 2 chapters in 1 ;)

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