"I understand," Regan nodded, "I won't ever do that. But I really need to go there. I have to find my mother and I can't do that without Agnes' help. I promise I'll be careful and I won't do anything that would harm anyone." She looked Seraphina in the eyes, determination burning in her eyes. Agnes was the only one she could ask. She was sure that Sirius also knew something but she knew he was a liar and was going to twist everything.

Seraphina stared at the girl for a long moment, weighing her words and determination before finally nodding.

"Alright. Follow me then."

Seraphina stood up and Regan followed her as she walked deeper into the forest. The trees grew thicker and darker, the air colder and heavier. The further they went, the more Regan felt like they were walking into a nightmare.

Finally, they reached a clearing in the center of the forest. In the middle, there was a big circle made if ancient symbols. Around the circle, there were high rectangular pillars, covered in more symbols. The air around them crackled with magic.

Regan approached the pillars and run her hands through them. They were cold and rough. She couldn't understand the symbols and the words carved into them. They were tall and intimidating as if they were guarding the portal to the underworld. She turned to Seraphina, who stood beside her. The older woman's expression was solemn, as if she was preparing for something big.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Regan?" Seraphina asked, her voice heavy with concern. "The underworlds are dangerous and forbidden places. There are all sorts of creatures and as soon as you teleport there, you're going to be on your own. Because, the portal is only entered by one in a row, and I can't go with you."

"I understand." Regan nodded, taking a deep breath, "But I have to find my mother. I have no identity or no idea where to go. Agnes is the only one who can help me. I'll be careful, I promise."

Seraphina nodded, "Alright. Just know that you're going to be questioned of why you're entering the underworlds, and if you lie, they'll send you back immediately. But if you tell the truth, they might allow you to enter. Now, stand close to me and don't look away."

She walked over to the circle, and raised her hands above her head, starting to chant in a language Regan had never heard before. The symbols on the pillars began to glow brightly in gold and the air around them shimmered. Regan felt a strange tingling sensation all over her body as the energy gathered. Finally, a swirling mass of gold light, formed in the center of the circle.

"Here's the portal, Regan," Seraphina whispered, her eyes fixed on the swirling mass of light. "Steady yourself and don't look away. You'll be entering the underworlds soon."

With a deep breath, Regan nodded, her heart racing. She took a step forward, feeling the warmth emanating from the portal as she drew closer. As she raised her hand, ready to step through the swirling mass of light, she glanced back at Seraphina, silently thanking the older woman for helping her.

"Wait, wear that," Seraphina said, giving Regan a purple cloak to wear. Regan wore it, thanking her again.

"Good luck, Regan," she added, her voice barely audible over the crackling energy surrounding them. "Be careful."

With a final burst of determination, Regan thrust her hand forward, feeling the sensation of falling as she was pulled into the portal. The world around her shifted and warped and then, the portal spat her out onto a cold, barren shore.

She looked around, her heart sinking as she realized she was indeed in the underworld. The sky above was a murky red, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. The ground was made of ash and the air was thick with the stench of sulfur and other gas. In the distance, she could see towering mountain peaks, their slopes covered in snow that seemed to glow an unearthly blue.

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