Hebrews 13 ~ Earth Angels

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El don't like it when you're bad. He puts you in the naughty book. So treat each other nicely all the time.

Even the poor and strangers. Some are angels in disguise. Sent to test and curse or bless. Looking just like mortals, their wings are hidden secrets.

Don't laugh at folks worse off than you. Or revel in your blessings and not care about the poor. There's angels watching. Think they'll be impressed? Your mission is to share the wealth. Not hog it to yourself.

Share your wealth with those who need it. But never share your bed with anybody but the one you wed. No one needs that. Not from you. They want it but don't need it. So giving it is sin. Marriage is the holy way to love. One heart, one love. True love or no love. If you raise your skirt, raise a fam. Or you're planting seeds that never grow. A waste of time. El won't pay you if your soul farm has no flowers.
Don't mean get fifty girlies preggers. Just get one and raise the kid until you die. If they die first, stay loyal to their memory. The aim of the game is loyalty. That's what heaven pays you for. Not spreading all the seed you can. Helping what you plant grow strong with tender loving care.
Who should you wed? Whoever heaven picks for you with signs. Or made you fall in love and have a baby with. It's not about the sweetest face or hottest bod or pleasure. It's standing by your choice and being loyal to the end. That's what heaven loves. It's heaven's way. Sleeping round is the way of the world. One way leads to heaven, the other leads to hell.

Grow virtues in the garden of your heart. By sharing acts of kindness with the world. Then your spirit will be rich.
Try to do your fellows out of cash. Monopolise the dollars. Your spirit will be bankrupt. Morally corrupt.
Folk chase dollars blindly 🤑 thinking heaven can be bought or sold. Another lie the devil told.
There's really just one thing you need to do: Follow El. He takes care of it all for you.
He took control of the prophet Mo and said to all believers: "I will never leave or let you down."
Realise what it means? He's the weaver of the world. Owner of the atoms. If he's with you, there's no need to look for cash. He'll give you what you need.
Loving him is worth far more than heaps of it. It's for the godless, and in the end as good as dust.

If he's with you, don't be scared of anything. Even soldiers. David wasn't. In a scroll, so long ago, he wrote:
"El is on my side. What have I to fear? His is the world and everything in it. Till he permits it, I cannot die, and when he does, my soul will fly to heaven."

Think of all the saints like Dave in heaven now. Leaders of the old faith and the new. Folk through who the holy spirit spoke. Folk through who it speaks today to you.
Did they get scared. Or lust for flesh? Or live to make a stack of cash?
Sometimes, yeah, like me and you. But were sorry for their sins, and their focus was on El. So look at all the good they did because of that and copy them.

Jee is more than just a saint. Son of the godking, immortal, eternal. Perfect, so unchanging. I mean why change perfection?
He's the same today as yesterday. Yesterday as he always was. Tomorrow he will be the same. He'll be the same forever.

Don't believe junk folk spew about Jee. Like he was not a god or was a crook. Like eating rotten food, it wilts your innards. Wilts your soul. Faith in El and in his son, for they are one, makes flowers in your spirit grow.

We don't need the Salem temple, with its rivers of blood-sacrifice.
Jee gave bread and wine at the last supper to his crew. He is the son of El and one with El. So to eat with El, it's what we do. He's with us still in soul. It's like suppering with him. Inviting him to dinner. A holy dinner with a god at heaven's table here on earth.
Instead of killing a hundred bulls to pay for a hundred sins, Jee sacrificed himself to pay for all our sins forever. That's how precious godblood is. It got shed once on the crucifix. Now it never needs to be shed again.
So instead of killing creatures in a temple, dripping red, all we gotta do is sip the wine and dip the bread. Like eating the flesh of the crucifed god.
Wine takes pride of place on the altar, like bull-blood sprinkled on the tablet ark.
When priests bless the bread and wine, Jee blesses it through them and makes it divine. So it fills you with his spirit when you eat it. Like having part of him inside you.

It mirrors the ancient temple law, so suitably replaces it. A new improved updated law for modern times.
Jee gave his friends the holy bread and wine in the holy city. Then got stripped of clothes, tied up and whipped by soldiers.
Just like the holy torah bull. Once the meat was stripped and blood was drained, the worthless carcass of the bull was burned outside the desert camp of old.

So Master Jee was slain and lain in a cave beyond the city gates. Like a bull, yet a god. A minotaur to pay for all the beastly sins of man.

If he was killed outside the city, we can pray outside the city. They kicked the god out of Jerusalem. Out of Jerusalem we'll follow him. Where the god goes, we'll go. Like sheep who follow shepherds. Such is faith.

We don't need a city made of stone. A city made of light awaits our spirits in the afterworld.

Jews put their sins on the bull by touching it. So when it got slaughtered, their sins died with it. The best bits were sent up in smoke to El.
So El got the best of them. The virtues of the Jews. The sinful bit, the carcass, worthless, burnt out at the desert edge.
It was the way they paid for sin. By feeding El the smoke of sacrifice. When El smelt the sweetest smoke from the choicest bits, he accepted it as payment for their sins.
When he accepted it, they thanked and cheered his name. The thanks and cheers are what heaven loves most. They rise to heaven like sweet-smelling smoke.
We got the cheers like always. Now we don't gotta kill no beasts no more. We got a dead god on a cross. A god died on a cross for us, so no more blood is needed.
Just gotta look now at a cross. Thank Jee for dying like a temple bull to pay for the sins of all of us forever. Itta please him just as much as the cheers of the temple Jews.
The cross is so neat, compact and clean. Just put one in your church. Then you can thank and praise El every day with nothing but a drop of wine.

There's other ways to thank him too. He sculpted me and you and everything and everyone. Every living creature is a daughter or a son. So if we're good to them, we're good to him. It pleases him. It's virtuous and kind. The way he wants us all to be. Like Mother Eve in Eden. Keepers of the garden of the world.
Every pleasant deed we do is a sweet-smoke gift to heaven, like a sacrifice of old in flames.
It's a bit of work, a holy job. A job that heaven pays us for with blessings, heaven's currency. Like coins of holy energy. Dollars of the soul.
They payoff sins. But don't stop earning when your debts are paid. Keep being good each day. Then in heaven you'll be rich. Even if you're poor on earth.

Every sin costs a spirit dollar. Every virtue earns you one. Bishops, priests and prophets are like bankers of the soul. Tell you what to do. Where to go. How to payoff. How to earn.
Don't make it tough for them by ignoring what they say. Do everything they tell you. Or you'll not get the help you need.

We're always trying to do what's right to set you good examples. Thank El for that when you pray to him. Itta help you see we're sent by him to speak for him to you. Maybe then you'll listen more and do the stuff we tell you to.

Maybe El will send us back to you more quickly then, if gratitude is shown to him for us. Then we can lead you by the hand, instead of far across the sea with pen and ink.

Till then, may El, the god of peace, watch over you. The god who sent his son to hell for everyone. Then brought him back to live again in heaven as the shepherd of the people of the world.

May he inspire you to run the race and walk the way and do good deeds. For the good of all in heaven's holy kingdom here on earth. Putting dollars of the spirit in your wallet every day.

I know it's just a letter. I wish I could be there so you could see the way I walk and talk and copy all I do. For now though this will have to do. So do your best to do it all.

Timmy got set free the other day. I'll bring him with me when I visit if he visits me.

Say hi to all from us lot here in Italy.

May the Force be with you. Always.

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