Psalm 130 ~ Waiting for the Sun

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To sing on the road to the fests at the synagogues three times a year.

In the valley of the lowest low,
After sinning floods my soul with woe,
I cry out for your sun to shine,
Through the clouds of this grey soul of mine.

Hear me, El. Lend an ear.
All my prayers of sorrow, hear.

If you never threw the lists of all the sins we did away,
You'd send the world to hell on Judgement Day.

But you do. You throw those lists away,
When we change and walk your holy way.
That's why we adore you every day.

So I wait here in the dark for you.
To do all that you said you'd do.

I wait for you with hopeful eyes,
As nightguards hope the sun will rise.
It will. It will. The sun will rise.

Israel. Wait for El.
For there is love and joy with El.
Forgiveness for your sins as well.

He will forgive you, Iz-ray-El.

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