Proverbs 19 ~ Best Laid Plans

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The Sayings of Solomon.

It's better to be poor and good than rich and bad. Why? Heaven don't care about cash. That's why.

Living life not knowing this is like not looking where you're going. Sooner or later, you'll trip.

When a fool trips, he blames heaven. Really he should blame his own foolishness.

Everyone wants to be your friend when you're rich. So it's better to be poor. Then you'll know who really likes you.

Gossips who spin facts to lay traps will trap themselves, like a spider who dies on the web.

Everyone shows their good side to the boss. So don't judge them when the boss is nearby.

When you see a poor man's own family turn against him, you'll know what people are really like.

Wisdom like what's written here is food for the soul. If you don't swallow it, you'll have a weak spirit.

Truth is like the wind. A liar is like someone who blows dust against the wind. It blows back in their face.

You wouldn't give a clutz a scalpel. So why give a fool a crown?

Folks hate it when you overreact to silly stuff. They love it when you're patient with mistakes.

Wrath is like a roaring lion. Mercy is like morning dew. Flower pickers know this. Kings sometimes don't.

Too much roaring makes people run, deserting the streets. Too much mercy is a river running over, flooding the town.

Your dad can give you a house and cash. But can't give your wife a good heart. Only faith in El can give her one of them.

You can shirk hard work if you're lazy. But you won't get job satisfaction in life, and no one in heaven will employ you when you die.

If you do what El says, you'll be merry at heart and let into heaven. If not you'll be glum and locked out.

When truly meeting someone's need, you're lending stuff to El.
When pandering a sinner's whim, you're lending stuff to Hel.
In good time both will pay you back.

If someone sins, tell them what they did and why. There's a slim chance then they'll see the light. Else you're damning them to darkness, and El won't be pleased.

If someone sins, let the guilt sink in. Let them stew. If you tell them it's alright, they'll keep doing it and never learn, digging themselves deeper.

If you listen to wisdom in spring, you'll be wise in autumn. If you don't, you won't.

The best laid plans of men may fail. But follow El and you'll prevail.

A kind man is loved. A cruel one loathed. It's nothing to do with money.

When you love doing what El wants, you'll find joy in your heart and peace in heaven.
When you're scared of not doing what El wants, you won't need to be scared of anything else.

A lazybones, delighting in his freedom, grows weak in mind and body. In the end he couldn't work if he tried. Then how will he feed his belly or his spirit?

To teach a bright spark, tell him. To teach a dimwit, tell his friend. He likely won't listen to anyone else.

Not many will go as easy on you as your parents do. If you can't even treat them right, you won't have much luck in this world.

Wisdom is like a roadmap for life. If you don't keep checking it, you'll go the wrong way.

Liars in court serve fake justice up. Foolish judges scoff it down like poison apples.

But Jah will judge them righteously on Judgement Day.

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