Genesis 1 ~ The Tree of Light

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In the beginning, Kadmon, supreme being of Kadmonia, the highest heaven, planted Etz Ohr, the triple-trunked tree of light, in the garden of Kether, ITs primordial palace.
The three trunks grew downward and sprouted tzimtzum leaves, which shut out Kadmon's light, casting the first gentle shadows.
In the leafy shade, three sephiroth - fruits of the light tree - grew. Each one a universe, where the first gods and goddesses were born.
The tree grew further down, and sprouted a second veil of tzimtzum leaves, casting even darker shadows, in which three darker universes grew. The beings who lived in them were less powerful and luminous than those who lived higher up the tree.
The tree grew downward still, and a third layer of tzimtzum leaves sprouted. Tzimtzum leaves are partially translucent. You can see through them from above, but not below. So the beings higher up can see the ones lower down, but not the other way around. Three duller fruitverses grew on this dimmer layer of the tree. These are where our gods reside. Especially the ninth fruit, Yesod.
The tree was now nearing its maximum depth. Again the three branches grew downwards, until they all met and fused together. A ring of tzimtzum leaves sprouted just above the fusion point, making this deepest level of the tree the most shadowy of all. Then the fusion point swole into one tenth and final fruitiverse - our universe, Malkuth.

A god-king called El paid a visit to Malkuth, along with his fellow gods, and their angelic servants, the Elohim

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A god-king called El paid a visit to Malkuth, along with his fellow gods, and their angelic servants, the Elohim. They came from Yesod, along the 22nd branch. Together they built our solar system, the thirteen planets, and us, out of spare stardust lying around.

The earth was a barren and lifeless rock. The gods alone could live there. No human could survive. The Spirit of El, Shekinah, was hovering over the toxic, primordial soup.

"I think we should have some light," said El. So positioned the earth 93 million miles from the sun.

It was the Goldilocks Zone. The perfect spot. Not too cold. Not too hot. Just right. "But we don't want it always to be light," said El. "Let's give it a bit of a spin." So he set the world spinning on its axis. 24 hours a turn. So only half of it was facing the sun at any given time.

El called the light times "Yom" meaning day, and the dark times "Lailah" which means night. The earth span for the first time, seeing darkness and light, day and night. This is what the sages call the First Day of Creation.


"Let's give the world some layers now," said El. "Some atmosphere! I want sea on the bottom, sky on top, with clouds and stuff, got it?"

So the angels built a sky of 5 different layers. Including the stratosphere or ozone layer, and the troposphere for clouds. When the sun shone, seawater turned into clouds. When the clouds got too fat, they rained, giving water back to the sea. It was the Water Cycle.

El called the sky "Shamayim" after his friend, the sun god, Shamash. All this happened on what the sages call the Second Day of Creation.


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