Chapter 40

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*Val POV*
We slowly walked back inside, knowing that the Dead Men would want answers. As soon as we opened ghastly's office door, all eyes were on us. "Hey guys...." Skul murmured, standing awkwardly. Dexter and Saracen nodded, obviously still mad, but Anton smiled at him. "Hey Skul, val." He greeted, making Skul feel more comfortable. "Skul, we... We found some help for your.... Issue....." Ghastly established, making Skul shuffle uncomfortably. I squeezed his hand in reassurance. "Daddy? What issue?" Jack frowned, walking up to Skul. "Nothing..... Why don't you go with mummy and auntie for a walk?" He whispered, to Jack. Jack nodded, reaching up and taking my hand. As he was dragging me out, I quickly kissed Skul, seeing he was quite distraught as tanith followed behind.

*Skul POV*
I sat down across from Ghastly, along with all the dead men. "Skul... It's obvious this isn't working.... We can't help but worry that you won't be able to hold him down for much longer..." Ghastly murmured, making me shiver. It's cause your weak. I stiffened, as worried looks were given around the room. "Look, we have someone who's willing to help and promises he won't tell...." Erskine added in, smiling softly. "I'll do anything... Just stop this..." I whispered, shaking. They nodded, Dexter and Saracens eyes softening. "Just saying, if he does tell anyone, which he can't because I told him not to and I'm grand Mage, he will get thrown in prison, and punished... Severely..." Erskine smiled, trying to lighten the mood. I forced out a chuckle, but they knew it wasn't real. "Skul, this guy lives in Russia, and fletchers never been there... We think it would be best to get you there immediately..." Dexter frowns, hinting at something. "You want me to go to Russia and leave val and Jack alone!?" I snapped, unbelievable. "Calm down!" Ghastly yelled, seeing what was happening. I forced my mouth shut, panting. I sat back down, sighing. "Just... Look after them.." I mumble, resting my head on my elbows. They nod, as they start to explain how I'm travelling there.

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