Chapter 23

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*Val POV*
When I opened my eyes, I gasped at what was in front of me. We were in a field full of beautiful flowers. It was late evening, leaving a beautiful gold glow over the field. There was a beautiful pond, with a willow tree beside it, sat in the centre. I turned to skulduggery to see him in his skeletal form. He squeezed my hand leading me to the tree. As I got closer to the tree, I noticed that the tree had a hollow in the middle. We stopped at the hollow, as skulduggery reached his hand in, pulling out a box. I froze, realising what was happening. Skul grabbed my hand, got down on one knee, and opened the silver box. "Valkyrie Cain, Stephanie Edgley and Darquesse. No matter what, I love you. With all my heart, with all my being, with all my soul. I've been to hell and back, but without you... I'd be living in hell. We have a son, a beautiful one. Who looks just like his mother. A sweet, sexy, beautiful, smart woman, who I watched grow up. I still can't believe that women chose me. Valkyrie Cain, will you marry me?" He asks, showing me the ring. I shake my head, crying...


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