Chapter 11

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*Val POV*
I see skulduggery walk in, wary. He walks to my side taking my hand. I see Kenspeckle glare at skulduggery, before sighing. "I.... I don't know how you did it... But you did.... Valkyrie, your pregnant" he says quietly. I hear skulduggery choke on air next to me, as tears stream down my face. "I'll give you two a moment..." Kenspeckle murmured, before walking out. Immediately, skulduggery sits next to me, pulling me into his arms. I hear him sobbing. Actually sobbing. "Val... How do you feel about this?" He murmurs, Inbetweeen sobs. I look up into his eye sockets an tell the truth. "I'm scared..... But.... I'm also ecstatic.... This is our chance to start a family... If you want...." I mumble the last part, afraid of rejection. Skulduggery laughs, taking my face in his hands. "Why wouldn't I Val?! I love you With all my heart. You ARE my life now. This is our chance at a family, not to mention with a beautiful, smart, funny mother and a skeleton father, what fun the kid will have!" He joked. I giggled, excited, taking his skull in my hands, crushing my lips to his teeth. "I love you" I state, smiling. He pulls me onto his lap. "I love you to, Valkyrie Cain!" He states. I smile as he carefully wraps his arms around my stomach. "It probably wasn't good fighting..." He frowned. "Kenspeckle?" I call out. I hear shuffling and the door opens. "Yes, Valkyrie?" He mumbles. "Is the baby ok?" I whisper, afraid. He nods. "It's fine." He states. I hear skulduggery sigh in relief and I fall back into skuls arms. "Now what?" I mumble, looking up at him. He sighs. "Besides the fact that ghastly will probably kill me, we should probably tell them" he sighs. I snigger at the ghastly bit but nod. Before we can say anything else, the door is slammed open with an excited looking Saracen and Dexter. "OMG OMG OMG OMFG CONGRATULATIONS!! " Saracen screamed. Dexter started jumping up and down and Saracen joined in. Me and Skul give each other grins, before the boys run over for hugs. Saracen tries to take me out of Skulduggerys arms but Skulduggery stops him. "She's been thrown around enough today!" He hissed. Saracen poked his tongue at Skul and hugged me awkwardly from skuls arms. Dexter did the same. "Who did you tell?" I whispered. The boys shared evil looks. "We were going to tell ghastly....." Skulduggerys head shot up in alarm. "But... Only me and dexter know.." Saracen finished off, smirking. I grinned.

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