Chapter 19

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*Val POV*
When I finally drifted off to sleep, I remembered something. "Skul?...." I mumble into his chest. "Yes?" He whispers. "Jack... Jack has one skeleton and arm and one skeleton leg..." I mumble, it doesn't bother me. He's still my son. I grunt as I am softly pushed off of Skul. He sits up, quickly walking out of the room. "Skul, wait!" I cry, not being able to move. I watch the group stumble in, tired, from sleeping in the sanctuary to see if I was alright. They were too nice to me. "What happened?" Tanith mumbled, sleepily. I burst into sobs, and Tanith's face contorted into worry. "I told Skul about Jack! He thinks it's his fault!" I sob. Tanith rushes to me, embracing me. "What about Jack?!" She mumbles, alarmed. I pause. "So... I didn't tell you either....?" I mumble. The group gives me confused glances, as I bury my face in my hands. "Skulduggery thinks it's his fault that Jack has one skeleton arm and one skeleton leg!" I sob, watching the groups shocked faces. "Is that.... Is that even possible?" Anton asked, confused. "Go see" I sigh, trying to stop crying. "We have to find Skul!" I yelled, frightened. I couldn't lose him. Ghastly and Saracen nodded at each other, running off to find skulduggery.

*Ghastly POV*
We bolted through the halls, afraid. Knowing skulduggery was extremely distraught. We ran past multiple rooms, searching each one. We finally came to the hall. Of course. We slowly opened the doors, already knowing he was there. The hall was vast, almost empty, with a small stadium on the side. Sitting in the dark hall, on the stadium sat a skeleton. He had his head in his hands, sobs escaping his body. We slowly walked forward, wary. "Skul, nothing's wrong with Ja-" "I never said anything was" Skul replied, Sutton up, the sobs stopping, his voice void of emotion. Please, not this. "Don't you dare shut yourself out!" I screeched, running towards him. I shocked him, by pulling him into a hug. His resolve crumbled, as sobs, once again, racked his body. "I can't do this anymore. I don't deserve her!" He sobbed, his gloves digging into the wooden seats, leaving indents. "Snap out of it skulduggery!" Saracen cried. "Val loved you! You have a son now! You can't give up...." Saracen muttered, bewildered. "I'll never be a good father..." Skul stuttered, with tears in his heart. The men stayed silent. "Not with that attitude. You have to try. For val. For Jack " I state, firmly shaking his shoulders. He starts shaking, but I dot give him a chance to answer. I hail him up, pushing him to Saracen. Saracen hesitates, before hugging him tightly. Skul again, breaks. Saracen leads him to the door, "Pull yourself together, skulduggery!" He mutters, not angrily or rudely, just calmly. Skul, still shaking, nods. We open the door, the views of the mages, making Skul cower back.

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