Chapter 17

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9 months into pregnancy
*Val POV*
"Are you sure?" He asks, taking my hands in his. "100% sure!" I sigh. "I just need some time alone" i mumble. He sighs, reluctantly nodding. "I'll just be at the sanctuary, so don't forget to call if you need anything okay? I love you" he states, kissing me. I kiss him softly, loving the taste of his lips. " I love you too, honey!" I smile, and wave as he leaves in his Bently. My grin fades as I can finally be myself. Upset. I shuffle back inside, sitting on the couch.

*Skul POV*
I worry about her. Naturally, I mean, she is pregnant! But also I can tell the depression is still there.
As I walk into the sanctuary meeting, I'm greeted by the dead men. "Where's val?" Erskine frowns. I sigh. "She wanted some alone time" I mumble, worried. "She'll be fine!" Dexter smiles, knowing I'm worried. I nod, takin a seat.
Half way through the meeting, my phone rings. All eyes turn to me. "Sorry." I mumble. I answer quickly knowing it could be val. "Are y-" "My Water Broke!" She cries, frightened. I jump up, knocking my chair back onto the floor."SHIT!" I yell, frantically. "Uhhh, stay there! I'm coming! Where's fletcher!?" I yell at Erskine. "He's at the library, why?" He asks confused. "Val went into labour!" I cry. I hear gasps around the room. "Always perfect timing with that girl!" Anton mutters, sarcastically. I sprint into the hallways, towards the library. "Stay on the phone love, okay?" I speak, frantically. "It hurts!" She moans, in pain. I speed up, upset. "I know Val, hold on, okay?" I whisper, reaching the library. "FLETCHER!" I scream. I hear multiple shushes, but ignore them. Fletcher comes running over, "Yeah?" "Teleport us to my house!" I scream, grabbing his arm. He nods, confused, but does it anyway. We arrive in the lounge room, to see val on the floor, her face contorted in pan. "VAL!" I scream, picking her up. "Medical bay!"I order. Fletcher agrees, immediately taking us there. When we appear in the room, doctors are already ready. "Place her on the bed!" Kenspeckle snaps. I nod, reluctant to let her go, but oblige. The doctors push me out of the room, much to my anger, but I know that they should be focusing on Valkyrie.

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