Chapter 14

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*Val POV*
After I had explained my plan, skulduggery had burst out into laughter. "Brilliant! My girlfriend is absolutely brilliant!" He laughed. I grinned. "Come on, we have to get dressed!" He sighed. I moaned. "I don't want to... The last time I did i threw up in the shower!" I pouted. Skul quickly bent down and kissed me, biting on my bottom lip. "Not even if I come with you?" He asked, smirking. I scowled at him. "That's blackmail!" I giggled. He rolled his eyes, leading me to the bathroom. Once we had had our shower and were dressed,we walked hand in hand, to the Bentley. We had relayed our plan to Saracen and Dexter, who had agreed to play along. We were currently on our way to Ghastlys house, to put the plan in action. The purr of the Bently almost put me to sleep again. Almost. "Val, were here", skulduggery murmured, softly shaking me from my drowsiness. I nodded as I got out, slowly walking to the door. Skulduggery walked beside me and slid his hand in mine. "All the dead men should be here!" He chirped. I smiled, knowing he was excited. I walked up to the door and knocked. "I'll get it!" I heard dexter yell. I rolled my eyes as he opened the door. "Hey val! Hey Skul! How are you guys?" He smirks. "We're good!" Skul chirps. Dexter invited us in and we met everybody else chilling in the lounge room. "Hey guys!" Anton chirped. I waved, smiling at them all.
After watching multiple scary movies, I was hungry. "Tanith, come to the kitchen with me?" I asked. She shrugged, hopping up and going to the kitchen. I followed her, nudging Skul on the way. "Can you make some scrambled eggs?" I asked. She shrugged, smiling as I got out the ingredients. Once her hands were full, I checked the oven. It was on already and the surprise was in there. I grinned, pretending to busy myself. "Ghastly, could you please put this in the oven?" I asked, sweetly. Ghastly walked in and smiled. "Of course!" He replied, already opening the oven. By now Skul had gathered all the dead men in the kitchen. Ghastly paused. "What the hell? There's a bun in the oven!" He exclaimed. Skul put his arm around my shoulders. "Oh well, I guess someone has a bun in the oven..." He smirked. Everyone froze, turning to a guilty looking me. As if answering all life answers I added in, "I'm pregnant!"

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