Chapter 20

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_Jack above, except he has one silver eye and one blue eye_

*Val POV*
By the time the men come back, im crying in Tanith's arms, Jack asleep in the next room. Ghastly and Saracen, help a shaking skulduggery into the room, who I immediately embrace. "Shhhh..." I mutter, rocking him back and forth as he quietly sobbed. The rest of the group gave us some privacy. I pulled back, looking into Skulduggerys eye sockets. "Talk to me". I state, breaking at his shaking form. "I don't deserve this... I don't deserve you..." What he said, broke my heart."What do you mean? Skul, if anything, I don't deserve you! Your one of a kind. Your a incredibly kind, witty, egotistical, smart, sarcastic, sexy Skeleton! How many of those do you meet every day? Huh? Only one. I'm so lucky he's mine. Nothing can change that!" I smile, hugging him once again. "Val,.... I love you... So so much... Thankyou. For everything" he murmurs, his shaking finally subsiding. "Until the end" I reply, pulling back. He activates his facade. He brings me in for a kiss. Our mouths move in sync, working together perfectly. He pulls back, "Until the End" he grins, laying me on his lap. "I swear.... Never again..." I mutter, feeling my sore stomach. He chuckles. "Wasn't it worth it?" He teases. I sigh, "Fine. It was. But YOU try going through that!" I moan. He chuckles, putting his hands up in defence. "Nope. Nooooo thankyou!" He laughs. I grin, snuggling into his embrace, soon enough falling asleep.

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