Chapter 24

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*Val POV*
"Yes" I mumble, tears cascading down my face. He leaps up, grabbing me and twirling me around. "Thankgod!" He laughs, pulling me into him. "And yet,after all of this, you still think I would leave you" I mumbled, upset. "It's not that. It's I wouldn't blame you..." He stumbles, quietly. "But I'm still here. With the man I love with everything I have. And I just said yes to his proposal!" I grin, taking his Skull in my hands. He presses his hard teeth to my lips, as I kiss him back. "I think this calls for a celebration!" He purrs, in my ear. I feel butterfly's in my stomach as I giggle, kissing him harder. "Tonight. After we tell everyone!" I grin, pulling away. He sighs, annoyed. "I don't want to wait that long!" He whines, throwing his skull back. I roll my eyes, pulling him closer. "If you wait, I'll make it extra special..." I trail off, smirking at his uncomfortable shuffling. "Your lucky I don't have my body facade on.." He muttered, crossing his arms. I laughed, as he slipped the ring on my finger. The ring was beautiful. It was a delicate silver band, with a beautiful diamond heart. On the inside of the ring, was a little heart, leaving an indent of a heart when you left it on. It was perfect. "Oh Skul!" I sob, hugging him to me. He soothes me, hugging me back. "Come on, love. We have to get back" He frowns, taking my hand. I nod, grinning like a maniac.

Upon arriving at the sanctuary, I noticed it was completely silent. I frowned, knowing even though it was night, the sanctuary should still be busy. I give Skul a confused look, but he just shrugs. He leads me to the doors, squeezing my hand.
I held my breath, scared as we opened the doors.

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