Chapter 3

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*Val POV*
Worthless. "No I'm not! Stop lying!" I cry. You are. He doesn't really love you. Who would love you? I slowly focus back into the view in front of me, noticing the worried people around me. I sit there shaking as they ask me questions. "I need to talk to Valkyrie!" Skulduggery screams. "Detective, we need-" "it's ok..." I interrupt. Kenspeckle studies me for a second before slowly clearing the room. Skul immediately runs to me, enveloping me in a hug. "Are you ok?! What happened!?" He asked, panicking. I just smiled softly. "Nothing. Nothing happened" I muttered. "Valkyrie, your eyes were going from brown to red!" He states. I realise in horror that that was Darquesse. His grip softens. "It's Darquesse isn't it...." He sighs. I just slowly nod. "She's....." Then I break. "She won't leave me alone! She's constantly taunting me! Breaking me down! Tearing me apart! I can't deal with her anymore!" I cry. Skul just presses his teeth to my lips to calm me down. I immediately melt into his kiss, tears running down my face. "We'll get through this together!" He states. I nod and hold his hand. "I love you" I state. He just smiles. "I love you with all my heart, Valkyrie Cain" he smiles, stroking my cheek. I eventually fall asleep on his ribcage, on the hard sanctuary bed.
When I woke up again, I noticed Skul wasn't there anymore. I frowned as I realised it must have been night, due to the lack of light in the room. Your such an idiot. I burst into tears as sobs rack my body. I fall off the bed, onto the cold ground. I hear the door burst open, and hear a panicking Saracen. "Val! Are you ok?!" He whispered, picking me up and placing me back on the bed. I just stay silent. "The others will be here in a few minutes.... I know about Darquesse.... But I don't care! I love you like a sister! Nothing will change that!" I smile as he cuddles me. "D-don't tell.." I mutter. He nods, frowning. "Val?" Skul asks, walking in the door. He runs over to me hugging me close. "I'm sorry, I had a word with ghastly" he sighed. I just nodded. Dexter, Tanith, Anton, Erskine, Fletcher , Donegan and gracious come storming in. "VAL!" Tanith screams, bear hugging me. I smile into her hair. "Are you ok?! What happened! We were so worried!" She cried. "It doesn't matter!" I snap. She flinches back, a look of anger on her face. "What do you mean it doesn't matter?!" She yells, her grip tightening. "Tanith", Skul warns. "No! Her eyes were flashing! This isn't normal! I know you guys know! So explain to the rest of us!" She screamed. Skulduggery put his hands to his head. "Tanith stop it!" Saracen snapped, seeing Skulduggery's position. I walked up to him and slipped my hand in his. He seemed to calm instantly. Tanith screamed in frustration, storming out of the room. "I'll get her", Dexter sighs. I nod, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. "She's just worried", Saracen says, sadly. I sigh sitting down. Should I tell them?

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