The Gunslinger: Pt 2

Start from the beginning

I heard the speeders drive off and I sighed. I really hoped Mando would be ok. That Man gave me the creeps.

"So you up for a game of Dejarik?" Peli asks leading up back to the hanger office.


It has almost been a full day since Mando went out on that Job. I didn't know how long they normally take but I was starting to worry. The suns were starting to set when the sound of a speeder reached my ears.

"Mando your back!" I smiled and ran to the door.

Only it wasn't Mando at the door. It was the young Man. My hands shoot up as I noticed the blaster pointed at me.

"So your the one bounty, but where is the other?" He smirked, nudging me back towards the Crest with the Blaster.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I snapped.

The next thing I knew the butt of the Blaster was slammed into the back of my head, knocking me to the ground. I cried out as I crumbled onto the sand.

"Bounty's don't talk back." He growled. "Now sweetheart, where is the other bounty?"

I glared up at him and grabbed my Crystal. "I'll never tell you."

My eyes flickered over to the office for a second and he followed my gaze with a smirk.

"Come out or I'll kill her!" He yelled pointing the blaster closer to me.

Peli stepped out with one hand up and the other holding the Child. He motioned for Peli to give him the child.

"Don't touch him!" I hissed.

The soft glow surrounded my body but he was faster. I felt the searing pain of the stun hit me, then everything went black.


I woke to a stinging pain on my leg. I felt a hand on my face and my eyes shot open. The man was standing over me. My hands were bound with cuffs and Peli and the Child were sitting on the floor next to me.

"Sleeping Beauty wakes." He laughed.

"Get your filthy hand off me you, womprat!" I reared my face away from his hand.

"The name is Toro, sweetheart." He chuckled.

I glared at him. "Where's Mando?"

"Oh he should be on his way. And once he is here I'll deliver him and you to the guild."

"He'll kill you." I hissed.

"Not when I have you he won't." He smirked grabbing my arm and forcing me to stand.

He held me and Peli, with the Child in his arms, at gunpoint in the Crest. He had one hand on the blaster and the other holding my arm, and the Child, with an iron grip.

Mando walked in through the door. I went to call out to him but Toro tightened is grip in warning.

"Took you long enough Mando."

My eyes widened as Toro walked us forward. My gaze landed on Mando and I knew he could see the fear in my eyes.

"Looks like I'm calling the shots now, huh partner?"

Toro threw me to the ground. My knees landed hard on the metal, the place where the stun hit burned from the impact. "Drop your blaster and rise em."

Mando stood there for a moment before dropping his blaster to the ground and raising his hands over his head.

"Cuff him." He pushed Peli forward.

"You're a guild trader Mando. And I'm willing to bet these are the targets you helped escape." He pointed the blaster at me and continued. "I can understand why, she sure is pretty."

He pointed the blaster back at Mando. "Fennec was right, bringing you in won't just make me a member of the guild. It will make me legendary."

A bright light shot out from Mando. I gasped and curled up to cover my eyes. Toro started shooting where Mando was, but hit nothing.

Then a blaster bolt hit him from the side, causing him to go flying off the ramp.

I sat up and looked down at Toro as Mando and Peli approached.

"Stay back." Mando said.

He flipped Toro over but the Child wasn't there. Panic surged through me.

"Where is it?" Peli asks.

Then he peeked out from around some barrels. I sighed and leaned back only to cause a burning pain to shoot through my leg.

Peli handed the Child back to Mando. He dumbed a bag of credits into her hands.

"That cover me."

She nodded. "Ya, that should cover you."

Mando nodded and headed back over to the ramp. He saw me still sitting there and offered his hand to help me stand.

I took it only to crumble back to the ground and cry out in pain. Mando set the child down and kneeled in front of me. I looked down to see a large burn mark on my leg.

"Must of been from when he shot me." I hissed in pain.

"kriff." Mando sighed and quickly scooped me up in his arms.

He carried me into the ship as the Child followed. He gently set me down on a crate and went to look for a med pack.

He came back after a few seconds with some bacta spray. "This is going to sting."

I gasped in pain as he sprayed it, but the stinging quickly subsided. He then quickly wrapped it with some gauze.

"Thank you." I whispered as he started to pack away the med kit.

A tear dripped down my face. Mando must of noticed because he set his hand on my knee. I looked up at his visor and more tears fell. I rushed forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, crying into his chest.

"I was so scared." I sobbed.

He was tense for a moment before he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight against his chest.

"I'm here now, Ad'ika. You're safe." He whispered. Even with the modulator his voice was soft.

I'm not sure how long we sat there, but he just held me and let me cry the whole time. Eventually I felt myself become exhausted and fall asleep.

I felt Mando pick me up and set me in the cubby. He pushed some hair out of my face. "I'll never let you get hurt again, Ad'ika. Never kriffing again."

AN: I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Episode 5 is complete! A big thank you to Ninjagoteen for helping me out with this chapter!
Wc: 1451
Thank you for reading!
K out!

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