Regan had her flashlight with her and used it. The basement was empty, save for a few crates here and there.

Iris slid down the wall, bursting out in tears, "They're gonna kill us. I was so stupid," she crackled, shaking her head. "I didn't know he was so dangerous. I mean, what we did....we just wanted freedom. It was just a small rebellion. It didn't have to escalate like this."

Regan felt a wave of guilt and melancholy wash over her. She couldn't see her like this, gotten into trouble because of her own fault.

"It's my fault. I'm so sorry. I led you at this. And I'll face him,"she said, kneeling down at her. "Stay here, okay? If I go out there, they won't search for you."

But before Iris could reply, the fatal radio static interrupted them. "This is alpha. I have visual on the females. I repeat, I have visual. Do you copy, delta? Over."

The panic in Regan's chest intensified as she turned to Iris. "I'll go, okay?"

"No!" Iris yelled, grabbing her hand tightly. She wasn't going to let her go.

Regan ran a hand through her hair in frustration, knowing too well where it was going. She was just mad and guilty that Iris was dragged into this as well. The radio cracked again.

"Alpha, how should we proceed? Take them down?"

"Negative, Delta. Sirius wants her alive. Capture the hostiles. Use non-lethal force only. We'll discuss further with HQ. Over."

"Roger that, alpha. Stand by for updates."

Regan's heart pounded as she listened to the radio exchange, knowing that her own consequences were set. She glanced at Iris, who was crying.

"Iris, let me go!" she yelled, trying to yank her hand free, but the brunette's grip was hard as steel.

"Listen, once they find me, they won't look for you. Please," Regan pleaded. She could hear the harsh footsteps from above.

Iris didn't reply, she kept her grip tight. Tears were streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks.
"Third target found."

"Roger that, alpha. I have visual on the third target. Standing by for further instructions. Over."

The sound of footsteps grew louder. "Iris, please, this is dangerous. You should leave me!" Regan said as she casted a protective spell around them. But before Iris could reply, a group of armed men burst through the door, their faces concealed by masks. They scanned the room, weapons trained on the girls.

"Don't move, hands where we can see them!" one of the men barked, "If you move a muscle, you'll die, understand?"

"You too!" the other man yelled at Iris. Iris was crying, her body shaking with fear. Regan, on the other hand, felt it heavy enough to shed a tear herself. She was angry at herself, her nails digging on her palms. The two soldiers moved towards them.

"Take your shield down," he yelled as he struck on the ground, the bullet passing through the shield. The girls flinched, their hearts jumping out of panic and fear.

"She's not the one to take!" Regan yelled, "Leave her alone!" She wanted to attack them with her fire, but their shotguns and riffles were just inches away from her head. "I'm the one you want! Take me instead!"

One of the soldiers grabbed Iris roughly by the arm and pulled her behind him, out of Regan's reach. "Shut up, freak," he growled. "You're coming with us."

From the mass of the soldiers, there stepped another man in military attire. Sirius's general, Vlad. His face was stern, his gaze cold, "You're coming with us, Regan. You and your friends," he said, his tone deadly and commanding.

Flames Of RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now