"Yes, we will. Let's hope the rebels are high in number and things go as planned." Regan added. They arrived on the field, the general standing there with a stern expression. The sun had just risen in the horizon, and Regan wondered how they were even late. The sky was painted in an aqua blue color with two arched moons visible somewhere far.

"You're late, soldiers!" The general reprimanded, "What were you doing there?"

"We were eating, sir," Regan snapped in annoyance, her voice carrying the hint of a challenge. "And we're here now. Aren't we?"

The general's expression darkened further, but he didn't reply immediately.

Instead, he gestured toward the track. "Soldiers, today we'll be working on endurance training. You'll be thankful for these exercises when you're out in the field." He turned on his heel and began to jog along the track, the rest of the soldiers falling in behind him.

Iris nudged Regan with her elbow, "You shouldn't have done that," she whispered, "he might get pissed off." 

Regan shrugged, rolling her eyes in response.

The training began with a series of laps around the track, each lap dangerously hard. Regan knew that Iris would score better while Jack glared at the general, "Just pray that we're going to get over with him, tonight." Regan told him, trying to lighten the mood. Jack just grunted in reply.

The general paused after several laps, forcing the soldiers to kneel on the dirt track, hands on their knees, gasping for breath. "This is what it's like, soldiers, to be outnumbered and outgunned. This is what it's like to have every step you take counted. You must learn to push your bodies beyond what you think is possible. Now, let's see how many more laps you've got in you." The general's words were like a whip, driving them forward.

Iris looked at him in admiration and glanced at Regan, their eyes meeting briefly before they looked away. It was her turn on the field track training. She passed the obstacles with efficiency, not stumbling once.

Regan was on the turn as well and as she passed some barriers, she fell on the dirt while climbing a wall. She cursed under her breath, her already dirty clothes became even dirtier and she turned back on the field.

Jack ended up the same way as her, and cursed under his breath, panting, his face filled on sweat.

"Damnit. It's my homeland but I can't believe what they've turned it into," he vented, "A battle training."

Regan felt a pang of non belonging washing over her. She didn't even have a homeland, "I understand, damn them," she said.

After what seemed like an eternity, the general finally called it quits. Some of the soldiers collapsed onto the ground, and some turned back on the row, drenched on sweat, panting heavily.

Iris turned back as well, the brown strands of hair sticking on her forehead. She tried to collect her breath and wiped the sweat out of her forehead.

"Guys we don't have to get too worked up here. Tonight is going to be important." Regan said to them.

"Of course," Iris breathed.

She sat down on a wooden bench. A soldier approached her and gave her a bottle of water. She looked at him confused, but accepted it gratefully. "Thank you," she said, opening the cap and taking a long drink.

Regan was thirsty as well, her throat burning from the exertion. But she didn't want to drink water from here. She glanced over at Jack, who was looking somewhere else. She followed his gaze and saw the general was coming towards them, but thankfully he wasn't looking at Regan. She released a breath, hoping he wasn't suspecting her. Instead, the general turned to Iris.

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