Chapter 30

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4 months later.

In a hotel closer, there is a male witch in between Nick and Enzo. He is panting as he lays back against Nick's body as Enzo kisses his neck.

"Oh, just lay it down," Enzo purrs.

"I don't know anything," the man says.

"You witches are also monstrously secretive," Enzo says. "But I've been told I'm quite gifted at unraveling the truth."

Nick bites onto the witch's ear as Enzo kisses down the witch's chest.

"Okay," the witch pants, "there's this coven in Oregon. They'd found a way to communicate with their ancestors before it went away. Maybe they know what to your friends. They call themselves the Gemini Coven. They're small and weird and don't like outsiders."

"See?" Enzo smirks. "You do know something."

"I just wanted to make you two work for it."

Caroline then appears and she clears her throat.

"Hello, Blondie!" Enzo chirps when he sees Caroline.

"Caroline! Hi!" Nick greets with a smile.

Caroline looks at the couple and the witch. "Can I steal them, please?" she asks.

"Of course." The watch winks at both Enzo and Buck before he grabs his shirt and leaves the closer.

Caroline is now in Nick's car. She's driving it because Nick is doing some online class things and Enzo is riding shotgun.

"You're the last person I think would object to me erasing positive memories of Damon from my head," Elena says over the phone. She's having Alaric, who was turned into an Original by Esther, erase her good, happy memories of Damon so she can move on.

"Yeah, but we are literally chasing down a lead," Caroline says. "W-what if we find something out? Yeah, you know, what if Damon returns back to normal? And you're sitting there all confused and weird?"

"Then Alaric will bring back my memories," Elena replies.

"I -- don't know what to say," Caroline says, "I was actually trying to think of what Bonnie would say."


"And... she'd say that you should do what's best for you," Caroline says.

"Look, I think it's great that you still have hope," Elena says, "I really do but for my own survival — I need to let him go."

"Well, then go on with your what-would-Bonnie-Bennett-do plan," Caroline says with a laugh. "I'll make bumper stickers."

Elena giggles. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Caroline says and she hangs up.

"Girl bonding, very sweet," Enzo says mockingly. "I heard you dropped out of school."


"I tell him everything," Nick says. He and Enzo became officially a couple two months ago. "I stayed in school, you dropped out."

"You suck," Caroline says. "When do we exit?"

"Soon," Enzo says. "You should reconsider. Looks can only get a girl so far these days."

"Yeah, I'm not taking feminist tips from a guy and his boyfriend who just used their tongs to get secrets out of a coat check boy," Caroline says and Nick snickers in the backseat.

"Garment defendant," Enzo corrects. 

"You just made that up," Caroline states. "So, did you also make up the 'Gemini Coven' lead, too? Because I've never heard of them. Who are they?"

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