Chapter 29

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Nick and Liv are in his dorm room, cooking up a spell together to pull Bonnie from the other side before it is completely destroyed. He's hoping that Enzo is smart enough to coke through it, too.

"Hey, Liv, I had an idea," Nick says. "I want to create a new Other Side once this one is destroyed. One that's anchor isn't a living being."

"Really?" Liv asks. "That's a good idea. What?"

"There's somewhere I have to go," Nick says. "Don't start the spell until I get back."

"Okay," Liv replies. "Where are you going?"

"New Orleans," Nick replies.

Nick goes bu Rousseau's for some gumbo when he's approached.

"Hello again, Nickolas."

"Hi, again," Nick murmurs. He turns to Elijah. "I need your help with something."

Elijah nods and they leave the cemetery.

"I've got the object for you," Klaus says and he disappears.

Nick and the witch Genevieve eye one another. Nick sees Hayley, a pregnant girl.

"She's pregnant with Niklaus's baby," Elijah says.

"Oh, you poor thing," Nick says.

Hayley smiles. "Hayley Marshall," she says and she shakes his hand.

"Nick James," Nick says.

"You're making a new Other Side?" Hayley asks.

"It'll take me a little while but yes," Nick replies. "Klaus." He looks at the hybrid. "Were there any caves in Mystic Falls? Not the ones you found, but others. Older ones. Silas old."

"Yes," Klaus replies. He rushes away and comes back. He writes some coordinates down on a napkin.

"Hey, Bonnie," Nick greets when his phone rings.

"Hey, I need you and Liv," Bonnie says.

"I'll be back in Virginia soon," Nick replies. "Klaus, what was the object?"

"You're with Klaus?" Bonnie asks and Enzo snaps his head toward her.

"Only because I need his help," Nick replies. "Tell Enzo I'll see him soon." He hangs up.

Klaus gives Nick a necklace. It is lapis lazuli and it has a huge blue gem and a steel M on it. "It was Marcel's, but not anymore," he says. "Just keep it safe. It's yours."

"Thank you for your help, Klaus," Nick says. He looks at Hayley. "Congratulations."

"Thanks," Hayley says with a sheepish smile.

Nick smiles and he looks at Elijah. Hayley sees the way they look at each other. Elijah smiles and he kisses Nick on his forehead, his lips linger.

"I have to go," Nick says. "Mystic Falls in danger."

"From what?" Klaus asks.

"Traveler named Markos?"

Genevieve and Klaus both wince at the name, and Elijah looks concerned.

"Gotta go," Nick says. "See you guys. Call me, Elijah. You promised to stay in touch."

"I will," Elijah promises. "I give you my word."

Nick nods. He then flashes away with the Mikaelson pendant.

"It was good seeing him," Klaus says. "Mystic Falls... I'm glad I left now. Markos is not good news."

"No, he's not," Genevieve agrees. "I wish them the best of luck."

"Indeed," Klaus replies.

When Nick gets back to Virginia and to campus, he goes into the girls' dormitory after he puts the pendant in his dorm and cloaked it, and he sees Stefan's dead body in the couch. He pauses as Elena runs to Stefan's body, sitting on the coffee table in front of him. Damon stops beside Nick.

"I didn't know where to bring him," Caroline sobs, "and I couldn't leave him outside."

Damon's disconcertedly looking at Stefan's body. His hand reaches out and he grabs Nick's forearm.

"We'll bring him back," Nick says. 

"Come on," Damon says. "Let's get away from prying eyes." He picks Stefan's body up.

Elena sees the broken and disconcerted look in Damon's eyes as he does.

"... Well, if it's not Mr. Butterfingers himself," Damon's saying as Nick enters Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline's dorm. "How'd it feel to have your only hope of coming back literally slip through your fingers?"

"Well, hello to you, too, Grumpy Pants," Enzo says and he looks at Bonnie. "Tell him to play nice, I have a plan, and tell Nick he looks amazing."

"Are you serious?" Bonnie asks Enzo. "You found another Traveler?"

"Well, then get to it!" Damon exclaims.

"I'm already in it, mate," Enzo says. "You still need someone to do this coming back from the dead spell. I'm assuming Nick is working with other witches. I take it you have a witch or two to work with him in your pocket."

"More or less," Bonnie says. "Oh, and Nick? Enzo says you look amazing."

"I know," Nick replies. "I'm wearing rainbow Pride Parade beads from New Orleans that Rebekah insisted I get before leaving. I'm fabulous." He sighs. "Who's going to he channeling me? Liv or Luke?"

"We'll see," Bonnie replies.

"If none, I met a witch in New Orleans who might help," Nick says and Bonnie nods. 

Nick is left alone with the spell. It's a spell that's getting to him. Enzo's with him, since he's back. He looks at Stefan.

"He won't stop," Enzo says. "The spell is too much for him to finish."

"You'll have to snap his neck," Stefan says as Caroline joins his side. "He won't stop unless you do."

Enzo goes to his knees behind Nick. "I'm sorry, love," he says before he snaps Nick's neck. The heretic falls back against him and Elena makes it out right before the spell stops. But not damo or Bonnie. "There we go, love, I got you." He grips him tightly and Stefan looks at Caroline.

"Where's Elena?"

"She made it out," Caroline says. "But Damon and Bonnie... they didn't."

"The spell would have killed Nick if I didn't stop him," Enzo says.

"I know," Caroline replies.

Enzo stands up and he lifts Nick in his arms. "I'm bringing him back to his dorm," he says. "And then we might travel for a bit. He can do college online if he wants to." He nods to the tow and he squeezes out.

"I thought he'd kill me for killing him."

"You said he killed himself using your hand," Caroline says. "What's he got to really be angry about? Not being able to make-out with Nick?"

Stefan snorts and they go to check on Elena.

"I can take my college lessons online?" Nick asks as he packs.

"I've talked to the Dean," Enzo says. "Caroline was with me to make sure I didn't compel him. You're traveling with me and doing your courses online."

Nick grabs Enzo's face. "Thank you for snapping my neck."

Enzo smirks. "I'd do it any day to save your life," he says and he kisses him. He grabs a pendant, the one with an M. "What's this?"

"Something very important that I'll be needing," Nick replies and he takes it. "I'll tell you more later."

Enzo nods, choosing to trust him, and smiles. "Let's go, love."

Nick kisses Enzo again and Enzo hums as they make-out heatedly before they force themselves apart and they leave the dorm room and go to Nick's Impala.

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