Chapter 27

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Enzo looks at Nick, who is asleep beside him. At about eight-thirty PM, they kissed. Nick made the first move and he kissed Enzo. Enzo didn't hesitate for even a second to kiss back and it progressed into more fast. It's nine-thirty now.

"I'm sorry for anything I'm about to do, love," he says to the sleeping figure. Enzo truly does like Nick. He's cute and he's... good. He's good. "Sleep well." He kisses Nick on the forehead before he gets up and puts on some clothes before he leaves the dorm.

He found out that Maggie was dead. Sloan kept her word and she got him a file post-death. She had been dismembered. He's not mad that she's dead; he's mad that he'll never have closure for her, at least, not until he finds out who killed her.

Enzo was going to kill Elena and come back to Nick, but Stefan had other things in mind, Stefan and Enzo fought while Damon saved Elena until Enzo killed himself by Stefan's hand. Making Stefan rip his heart out.

Enzo's ghost goes straight to campus and he peers at Nick. He walks over and he kisses Nick on his forehead before he leaves to find Bonnie, the anchor, to pass through to the Other Side.

"Bonnie, just do me one favor," Enzo says after he asks her if he mention how he good he is at revenge. "Make sure Nick waits for me. He is the one person I'd never hurt. Never." He passes through her, making the witch gasp in pain.

Enzo goes to the Salvatore house first and then he goes back to Whitmore. He sits on the foot of Nick's bed and he watches him study with soft eyes.

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