Chapter 04

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While Caroline wakes up beside Damon he next night, Nick wakes up alone and he actually doesn't mind. He doesn't have to pretend to have a happy relationship with a girl anymore. He absolutely adores Caroline, but he's glad that she knows the truth about his not liking women and that she's taking it incredibly well and he is grateful that they are friends.

Nick drives to the Gilbert house and honks his horn. He leans over when he sees Jeremy coming out. "Want to ride or am I only giving Elena a ride?" he asks the boy.

"Oh, I'm riding," Jeremy says as he gawks at Nick's car as Elena comes out. He gets in the backseat and lets Elena ride shot gun. "Beautiful car, man."

Nick smiles. "She's my baby," he says. He smacks Elena's hand away from the radio and Jeremy snickers. "Driver picks the music, shotgun doesn't have a say."

Elena gapes at gim.

"Actually, it's 'Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole'," Jeremy says.

"I know," Nick replies smugly and Jeremy smirks.

"I'm Jeremy," Jeremy says. He's seen Nick around. He's been told he's a junior and is basically the hottest guy in school, he was crowned that before Stefan moved here. "I'm Elena's brother."

"I'm Nick James," Nick says, "a friend of your sister's and Caroline's ex but now friend."

Jeremy nods, eager, and he leans forward and he starts chatting with Nick. Elena is amazed by Jeremy's fascination but she's not complaining.

When Elena goes to Bonnie, Jeremy stays with Nick talking to him.

"Watch this," Nick says. "I'm single now."

Jeremy nods. He watches as people stare at Nick as they enter. Some guys and girls try flirting. Nick merely smiles at them and walks by. Jeremy can see them swooning and he's amazed. He watches as a freshman girl, he thinks she's Sara? Or is she Elle? Or Janie? Or Emily? He doesn't know.

"Hey," Nick greets her kindly despite her stutter. "You're a freshman, aren't you?" he asks and she nods. "I'm Nick."

"I-I-I'm Lisa."

Or her name is Lisa.

"Hi, Lisa," Nick says.

Lisa goes to her friends, who are giggling.

"Am I really that attractive?"

"Yes," Jeremy replies. "I'm a straight guy and I'm not afraid to admit it. It's the eyes, man."

"I guess I was blessed with New York blood, huh?" Nick muses. "I'll see you later." He shoots him a playfully before walking away and Jeremy chuckles, still amazed. He likes this guy.

Nick goes on a blood run a few towns over later on when Elena's having a dinner. He was invited but he turned it down. After he stores his blood, Nick heads to visit Sheila Bennett and the older woman lets him enter her home since he is invited inside.

"It's good to see you, Nickolas," Sheila says. "It always is."

"I want to take a trip to the Other Side for a little while," Nick says.

"Go for it, sugar," Sheila replies. "I have a few errands to run. Gotta pick up some herbs and stuff. Use the house."

Nickolas mutters something in Germanic before he passes out and desiccates temporarily.

Nick ends up missing the football team but the coach (Tanner) died before he could kick him off. He was killed by Damon because Stefan egged him on. Nick is drinking some herbal tea with Sheila now, coming down from a high after talking to Ayana, learning about siphoning,

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