Chapter 07

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Nick could have gotten free as soon as this Trevor guy got them into this abandoned house but he won't. He could kill him and the girl easily, but he has to know what they want. He's watching as Elena stands before the woman vampire now.

"What do you want with me?" Elena asks.

"My God," the woman mutters, "you look just like her."

That's when it hits Nick as he removes his jacket and pops the top three buttons of his shirt. Elena was the target because of Katherine, and Nick just so happened to be there. Collateral damage.

"But I'm not," Elena declares. "Please, whatever you -"

"Be quiet!" the woman, Rose, snaps.

"But I'm not Katherine!" Elena says. "My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this."

"I know who you are," Rose says. "Now, I said be quiet."

"What do you want?"

Nick winces when Rose slaps the human. "Brutal," he comments. "Let me guess:" he waves himself over, "collateral damage? Took me because I was there?"

"Yes," Rose replies. "Who are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Nick smirks. "It'd be no fun to tell you."

Trevor, Rose's counterpart, is Sterling at him, curious. Nick moves over to Elena weakly and he brushes her hair out of her face gently.

"How's the girl?" Rose asks Trevor asks as he joins her in a room upstairs.

"Still passed out," Trevor replies.

"You stint touch her, did you?"

"With her guard dog?" Trevor rolls his eyes. "No." He sighs. "So, you called him?"

"No," Rose replies. "I called one of his contacts. You know how this works."

"Did or did you not get a message to Elijah?" Trevor asks.

"They say he got it."

Nick watches as Elena moves closer instead of asking him what they're saying. That girl's bravery is going to get her killed one of these days.

Nick thinks about Elijah, the Original that Rose is finally telling Elena about. He hasn't seen him since 1955 when he took off for some reason. He left Nick a goodbye note saying he was sorry. That was the last time fifty-five years since Nick has seen Elijah.

He only knows that Elijah is an Original, that Originals are special, and that there is someone named Klaus looking for Katherine.

Nick is pulled from his thoughts and from blackness (he was injected by Trevor with vervain) when he hears a knock. Soon, a familiar face enters the room and his entire body ignites. He and Elijah never really dated, they had a lot of sex and spent a lot of time together for five years, and they cared about each other.

Elijah stops at the railing and he looks at Elena, not noticing Nick yet. He is stunned. The Original in a suit rushes down to Elena and he sees that she's human. He ends up throwing her vervain in the room and compelling her for the moonstone, which is in the tomb with Katherine.

That's when Elijah notices Nick. His brown eyes study him and sees that he's okay. Elijah turns swiftly and goes up to Trevor.

"Nickolas," he speaks, "come, please."

Nick stands and he sways. Elena catches his arm before he can fall as Elijah stares at him.

"Vervain," Elena says.

Nick walks over to Elijah when he pulls from Elena. Elijah grabs his arm to keep him upright.

"Why don't you show the doppelgänger what you can do?" Elijah asks.

Elena watches as Elijah rests his left hand on the center of Nick's back.

"He vervained you," Elijah says.  "And he killed an entire village of men because they were gay."

Trevor pales when Nick's face darkens.

"Elena, please don't hate me after this," Nick says before he grabs Trevor's face.

Elena watches as Nick's hands start to glow red. Trevor screams loudly as he drops to his knees, Rose crying as she watches his. Elena watches in awe and horror as Trevor desiccates as Nick drains the vampirism magic from him with his hands. Elijah watches him until he sees the grey going black and he walks over.

"Easy," Elijah murmurs. "He's gone."

Nick rushes over to Elena and he touches her face. "I'm sorry."

Elena nods. "It's was. That was cool."

Nick shrugs. "I haven't killed a vampire like that since 1970." He hears crashing upstairs.

Elijah grabs Elena and drags her upstairs. Nick and Rose follow. The Salvatore brothers fight Elijah and drive a wooden coatrack into his heart. Damon pulls Nick into a side-hug once Rose runs and he looks at Elijah.

"Let's get out of here," Damon says and they all leave.

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