Chapter 17

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Nick yawns as he leaves one of his classes and he sees Alex waiting for him. They hooked up because Nick couldn't resist the temptation. They haven't talked about it again, and it's not awkward.

"Professor Boring!" Alex calls out to the History teacher, Professor Dumet.

"Alex!" Nick hisses. "Are you going to the costume hall tonight?

"I am," Alex replies. "You're going, too, right?"

"Yeah," Nick replies. "I'm looking forward to it, actually. Caroline got me a costume. She said it'll, show off my sexuality, whatever that means. Just because I'm becoming more confident, but I don't want to shout it from the rooftops. People know, that's enough for me."

"She's fun," Alex says. "I'll see you tonight, James." He bumps shoulders with him and he walks away.

"Caroline is dead," Nick says as he and Jase, who's in a military outfit from the 1800's

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"Caroline is dead," Nick says as he and Jase, who's in a military outfit from the 1800's.

Jase snorts. "You look great, man," he says as they enter the ball.

"Holy hell," Alex gasps as he rushes over. "Come on!" He drapes an arm over Nick's shoulder ams he stirs him away from very amused Jase.

Caroline sees Nick from where she's at with Tyler and she beams. Tyler follows her eyes and he sees Nick standing with a few guys and some girls, smiling.

"He seems happy here," Tyler says.

"He is so far."

"I saw, ah, I saw Elijah while I was away," Tyler says. "He asked about Nick. I told him he was good, even though I didn't know it at the time."

Caroline smiles. "He's happier now," she says. "He's becoming more confident about being gay. I'm going to buy him a pride flag next semester."

"I'm glad," Tyler replies.

"Me too," Caroline replies.

Nick finishes dancing with Alex before he leaves the dance floor and goes to the drink table. Alex follows him around, flirting shamelessly. Nick is amused by it instead of creeped out. Nick finally slips away and goes to where Damon and a Stefan with a fried memory are. Stefan's eyes easily roam over Nick.

"Yeah, his memories are gone," Nick says, "he's checking me out."

Damon snorts. "Can you blame him?"

"No, I can't, but still," Nick replies. "Where's..."

"With Tessa, or Qetsiyah, somewhere, I don't really know," Damon replies,

Stefan wakes up again. He ends up snapping Damon's neck. He has to snaps Nick's, too, to keep him from chasing him, and he goes to stop Silas from hurting Tessa.

Nick goes to leave and he sees Dr. Wes Maxfield in the hallway. He is the Professor for Applied Macrobiotics and he is the one who lied on Megan's death certificate.

"Hi, there," Wes greets.

"Hey," Nick greets. "Have a good night, Professor."

"It's Doctor," Wes corrects.

"Sorry, Doctor," Nick replies and he walks away.

Nick walks to his dormitory and he goes to his dorm. He grabs some clothes and goes to the showers. Alex joins him and Nick doesn't stop him as he advances and kisses him.

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