Chapter 18

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Nick gasps as he spurts all over his bed and he falls back against his bed. He laughs at how hard he just went by himself. He didn't go home for the weekend. He had a paper due on Occult Studies on Monday and he has a Business workup due in Business 101 on Tuesday.

Nick's phone rings.

"Damon, I'm typing a paper that's due next week," Nick says into the phone once he answers it. He puts his phone on speaker.

"You're so boring," Damon says. "We need your magic, and by we, I mean me."

"What do you want?"

"Can Silas really bring Bonnie back from the Other Side?" Damon asks.

Bonnie's dead. They had her funeral a while back.

"He can, and so can I," Nick says. "But she doesn't want me to. She said she'd find another way back..." He pauses. "Is Silas there?"

"Yes," Damon replies.

"I'm on my way." Nick packs up his laptop, locks his dorm, and rushes away.

Damon watches as Silas and Nick discuss anchors.

"So what about the anchor now?" Nick asks. "I can make Bonnie the anchor but first... I'm sorry." Nick grabs Silas and he desiccates (Nick).

"Don't," Silas says quickly as Elena and Damon go to grab him. "If you grab him, he'll stay gone." He smiles in amazement. "He's on the Other Side. He's probably looking for the anchor, or advice, or both. I've heard of this spell, but I've... never seen it. You dark witch, you," he mewls. "You get more interesting every time I see you."

"But he's dead," Damon says.

"Yes," Silas says and Nick gasps as he comes back. "Did you find it?"

Nick nods. "Ah." He rolls his head. "Sorry. I usually just anchor myself."

"No, no, don't apologize, never do that," Silas says. "Do you know how powerful you are?"

"The anchor?!" Damon waves his arms around.

"... Is in New Jersey," Nick and Silas say in sync.

"New Jersey?" Damon makes a face. "The supernatural other-world is bound by an object in Snooki's backyard?"

"It's in a stockyard and it's being shipped out," Silas says. "So, we really need to..."

Jeremy enters the room then, wielding a crossbow. Nick rolls his eyes.

"Hello, hunter," Silas greets without looking at him. "Banner day for you, huh? Didn't you and the Bennett witch used to..." He clicks his tongue suggestively and whistles.

"Silas, stop," Nick scolds but he's grinning, Silas smiles back at him, amused. "But yes, they had all the -"

"You two, knock it off," Elena cuts Nick off and she turns to her brother. "It's okay, Jere. We all want the same thing today. Silas dead, Bonnie alive. Nick said he has a spell to help with that."

"Yeah," Silas says.

"Aka, put the damn crossbow down, Pocahontas," Damon says in exasperation."

"I believe it about Nick," Jeremy says. "But him," he points to Silas with the crossbow, "are we just supposed to just believe that he's going to help bring Bonnie back to life out of the goodness of his heart?"

"Well, I hope not," Silas replies. "I mean, I am kind of a monster." He watches, unfazed, as Jeremy points the crossbow at him threateningly again. "You know, guys, I'm feeling really ganged up on right now. K? I would hate to lose my temper and do something..." he raises a finger and fire shoots out "... crazy."

Dark Heretic (E. St. John)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें