Chapter 11

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Klaus came back. He came back with the Original sister, Rebekah, and Stefan. At the school during senior prank night, Klaus compelled Stefan to turn his humanity off and to do everything he says. And in order to keep an eye in an emotionless Stefan, Nick moved into the boarding house,

Today is the first day back to school after summer vacation. Nick is a senior alongside Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Tyler, Caroline, and the rest of their classmates. So once Nick is dressed, he goes downstairs and makes sure to step over the dead bodies at the bottom of the stairs and he sees the blonde female Original.

"Please don't tell me there's another housemate," Nick complains. "I miss living alone!"

"Don't worry, Darling, I'm the second better sibling after Elijah," Rebekah says. "Who are you?"

Nick had actually been in Queens when Klaus, Rebekah, and Stefan came to Mystic Falls. He was visiting his parents' grave. His dad was an abusive homophobe and his mom was an alcoholic, but he still loved them. But Damon and Elena updated him on what happened.

"Nickolas James, but I go by Nick," Nick says. "Damon, why am I here again? Stefan's your brother, not mine."

"Because I wanted you here," Damon replies.

"Whatever, I have school," Nick says. He looks at Rebekah. "Just don't take my room or I'll burn your clothes." He then leaves.

"He will do it," Stefan says. "He burned mine as soon as I made a comment about his death and laughed at it."

Nick knew that Stefan would have never thought that way with his humanity, but he was still mad. He burned Stefan's clothes with magic and Stefan had to buy more.

"He's a vampire of his word," Stefan says and Rebekah goes to find an empty room, not wanting her new clothes to be burned when she just got them.

Nick is late when he gets to school but no one minds because he does go to every class, even when Rebekah shows up. Again, Nick doesn't really care. As long as she stays out of his way, they won't have a problem.

"Stefan tells me that Elijah fancies you," Rebekah says as she joins Nick on the square after school is over.

"We had a thing back in the 'fifties for about five years," Nick says. "He left me in November of 1955. Just a 'I'm sorry' note."

"Mikael probably found him," Rebekah says as they sit down on a bench. "Stefan also pokes fun at how you're scared of being who you are."

"My turning alone made me nervous, and then I watched as the homophobia got worse over the decades," Nick says. "That does something to someone."

Rebekah nods. "You shouldn't be afraid," she says. "You are who you are, Nick, you can't help that."

"I tell that to other gay people, but I never believe it when I say it to myself," Nick says. "They didn't see what I saw over those decades."

"Will I see you at the bonfire tonight?" Rebekah asks.

"I don't know," Nick replies. "Maybe. If I decide to go." He stands up. "I'll see you around." He heads into the Grill and Rebekah leaves.

Nick didn't go to the bonfire, even though he's a football player. He decides to stick it out at home and drink blood bags until Damon and Stefan get home. Nick makes a face when he sees Stefan and he goes upstairs without uttering a word. He goes to his room and he puts up a magical barrier and he goes to bed.

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