Chapter 25

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Nick opens his dorm room door on another day and he sees Enzo and Caroline standing there.

"Nick, are you okay?"

"Katherine told the cops that Lee and I were gay," Nick says. "Sue was the reason we were beaten to death. It wasn't random."

"Oh, my God," Caroline gasps. "You were targets."

"Yes," Nick replies. "Hello again, Enzo."

"Hello, Love," Enzo greets. He feels as if he shouldn't have heard that. "We could use you."

"Well, not really, but he won't do what the Travelers want unless you're with us," Caroline says.

"Travelers?" Nick frowns.

"They have Stefan," Caroline says.

"We'll explain on the way," Enzo muses.

Nick rolls his eyes. He grabs himself a blood bag and leaves. Enzo smiles and he quickly follows. Caroline sighs and she does, too.

Nick, Enzo, and Caroline are now at a diner in Atlanta, Georgia. Nick is sipping on an orange juice while Caroline's phone. Enzo snatches the phone from her.

"Atlanta assassination squad," he says into the phone and Nick shares a look with Caroline. "How may we be of service?"

"I take it you haven't located the doppelgänger yet," Sloan says. She is the Traveler who has Stefan.

"You told us to find a nameless paramedic at the scene of a car accident in a city of freeways fried green tomatoes, and terrible drivers," Enzo says. "It's not exactly as easy as it sounds."

"Which is why I'm calling..." Sloan says. "The doppelgänger's name is Tom Avery. And I just saw him delivery a patient to Atlanta Metropolitan Hospital."

"She saw him?" Caroline hisses and she jerks the phone from Enzo. "She did the vision thing again?" she asks Enzo and she puts the phone to her ear. "We had a deal," she snaps. "I find Stefan's last living doppelgänger..."

"Tom," Sloan interrupts.

"Rude," Nick comments and Enzo smirks a little.

"Tom," Caroline says sarcastically. "I - i- I take care of Tom and in return, you stop using Stefan to psychically doppel-bomb him. Because every time you link the two, you're frying Stefan's brain."

"I don't give a damn about his brain," Sloan replies. "It's his blood that matters. And until Stefan and Elena are the last doppelgängers on Earth, their blood is useless to me. So you better believe I'll give Stefan a back alley lobotomy if you fail to kill Tom Avery."

"I don't fail at things," Caroline says. "So do it again, and I'll kill you too."

"There's it girl," Nick mewls when Caroline hangs up.

"I'll kill you, too?" Enzo smiles, amused. "You're like a perky, blonde angel of death. You almost had be convinced, but this one," he nods to Nick, "scares me more."

Nick smirks. "Thanks."

Enzo smirks right back. "Oh, certainly, love."

Caroline looks between the two. She takes a picture silently.

She wants to text it to Bonnie and ask her if this is how Klaus looked at her, but she doesn't want to risk Stefan . Caroline watches as Enzo stares at Nick as he pays their bill. Caroline almost whines but she doesn't.

"She is avoiding the mission," Enzo says to Nick.

"Obviously," Nick replies. "The reason the Original vampire liked me is because I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty if I have to,"

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