Chapter 19

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Nick is back at the boarding house the next day. Tessa took away the incantation last night and Stefan got his memories back. Damon's testing him.

"October 1952," Damon says.

"You broke my nose trying to teach me how to throw a right hook," Stefan says.

"But not on purpose," he says. "How much did you pay for that hunk of junk motorcycle you ride?"

"That's a truck question," Stefan says. "You bought me that motorcycle, although I'm guessing it was pretty expensive."

"So Tessa just gave you your memories with no strings attached?" Nick asks, unsure.

"It wasn't exactly a gift," Stefan says. "It was a lot to take in at once, everything from blowing out the candles on my first birthday to drowning in a safe."

"Stefan..." Elena coos softly.

Stefan squeezes the glass in his hand so hard, it shatters.

"Whoa!" Damon reacts. "Easy there, buddy."  

"Stefan," Elena coos, "where did you go?"

"All that and I still can't remember my own strength," Stefan says and he hears a noise. "What was that noise?"

"We have a situation," Elena says.

"Of the doppelgänger variety," Damon adds.


"No, not her," Nick says. He got the call from Elena last night about Amara.

They lead Stefan down to the cellar and they look at her.

"I don't know! I don't know!" Amara is screaming and trying to cut loose from her handcuffs.

"What's wrong with her?" Stefan asks.

"Tessa turned her into a block of rock, left her in a box for two-thousand hears, probably went a little stir crazy like those deserted island guys who talk to volleyballs," Damon says.

"She's also the current anchor," Nick says. "To the other side."

"This girl is the only thing holding together the Other Side?"

Nick does a spell and he goes in. "Amara? I'm Nick."

She looks at him. "You silenced them," she says.

Nick kneels down. "I'm a dark witch," he says. "I can help you. Stop the dead supernatural beings."

"Please," Amara says. "Do you need anything from me?"

"Damon, get me something sharp and a glass," Nick says. "I only need your blood - just in case." What he wants to do would easier with her physical form, but her blood will work.

Amara nods. Nick grabs her arm softly as Damon brings him what he needs. He cuts her arm and puts her blood into the glass. He pokes his finger.

"Hold out your tongue," Nick says and Amara obliges. He gives her his blood, a couple of drops, and she heals.

"Thank you," Amara says.

"Want me to leave the voices off?" Nick asks.

Amara shakes her head no. "Turn them back on," she says. "Thank you, Nick."

"You're welcome." Nick turns the voices back on and he leaves the cellar.

"Hey, Nick," Jeremy greets.

"Hey," Nick greets.


"It's Amara's," Nick says. "I think she's going crazy again. She told me to turn the dead voices back on again. Crazy." He shakes his head. "Is Bonnie ready? Just in case?"

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