Chapter 14

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No more time skips. Here we are, season 5).

Nick uses his magic to pack his things for college. He's going to Whitmore University with Caroline and Elena and Bonnie. Nick has got a single dorm a boys only dormitory and he's glad about it. Tyler told him he's not coming to college right off, so Nick got a single dorm instead of a double. He either shares with someone who knows who and what he is, or he sleeps alone.

"That's cheating," Jeremy says from the doorway with a smug grin, Bonnie's ghost beside him.

Nick grins. "But it's easier," he says. "I could make you pack my stuff for you. Compulsion doesn't work on you, but I've heard I'm very persuasive."

Jeremy laughs. "Hey, I never said not to use your magic," he muses, "just that it's cheating."

"Tell Bonnie that her ass better be there or Caroline will throw a fit," Nick says. "Lord knows we don't a Caroline-sized fit."

"I'll let her know," Jeremy replies. "Done?"

"Done," Nick replies. He grabs a blood bag. "Tell me why I agreed to go to college? I already suffered through high school."

"Because Caroline would throw a major fit," Jeremy replies, saying what a ghost Bonnie just said.

"Hmm," Nick mumbles. "Yeah, you're right. She's crazy."

Jeremy snorts. "Yeah, she can be," he replies.

"Nick!" Elena calls. "C'mon! You're my ride! Get your butt down here!"

"Stop yelling!" Nick yells. "We're vampires, woman, sensitive ears."

Elena laughs. Nick closes his suitcases and goes downstairs where his boxes and stuff are. He's wearing some grey sweatpants, a black t-shirt with a thin cardigan, and some converse high-tops. Having sex with Elijah helped him with his fear of being gay, now he's more anxious and nervous. So no one is judging him for hooking up with an Original.

"You look cute," Elena says. "No rainbows?"

"Too over the top," Nick says. "I'm not scared of being gay anymore, but I'm still nervous about being out. So like I told Caroline, no, no rainbows. At least not right now."

Elena nods. "Okay, that's fine," she replies. "Caroline is driving herself."

"Good because my baby can only carry so much stuff," Nick replies as they go out to his Impala. "Hey, I might major in business and open my own business."

"Like what?" Elena asks as they out their things into the car.

"I don't know yet," Nick replies. "Give your hugs and let's go."

Nick gets into the car. Elena gives Damon a deep kiss and she hugs Jeremy before sliding into the Impala. The rock music fills their ears once Nick turns it on and he drives away.

Nick drops Elena and her stuff off with Caroline and Liz before he goes to his dormitory. He gets the help from his dorm neighbor bringing his stuff in.

"Thanks," Nick says. "I'm Nick James."

"Clay Leighton," the boy says. "You a freshman?" he asks and Nick nods. "I'm a senior. Welcome to Whitmore. Enjoy."

Nick thanks him and he begins decorating his room while he video chats with Caroline so she can rant about her and Elena's roommate who isn't Bonnie. It's a human girl named Megan.

"I'm so glad I'm in a single dorm," Nick says as he takes his grimoires and puts them in a shelf under his bed.

"Lucky!" Caroline groans. "What are you doing?"

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