43~ Insufferable Duo

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Two days have gone by and I'm still on a limp. Yesterday Adrian had to carry me everywhere as I literally couldn't walk. He was right when he said he would take my ability to walk and I shouldn't have doubted it. 

"Aw, my poor girl is still sore from when I absolutely annihilated her." Adrian put on a fake pout as I hobbled past him in the kitchen.

"Shut the fuck up." 

"Oh, feisty! I like it. Are you in a mood today, Bambina?" 

I gave no answer and poured myself a cup of coffee. I then sat at the table rethinking my terrible life choices. 

"Nope, you are not drinking straight black coffee. You won't like it. You are the most basic ass white girl so I know that you need additives in your coffee."

Adrian came and poured flavoured creamer in my coffee while passive aggressively insulting me. 

"Wow, how thoughtful." I roll my eyes.

"You know, if you keep giving me attitude I'll fix it for you." 

His gorgeous face held the cockiest smirk known to man kind and if my legs would work properly I would storm up to him and slap it off him. 

"Give me another one of those cocky smiles—"

"And what, Addie? You'll chase me around the house with a knife? I doubt you're healed enough to run, baby." 

Though his smile always has me weak, this one specifically, mocks me. 

"Fuck you." I spat out.

"You already did, two days ago." 

His smirk grew larger and I just rolled my eyes. 

"Aw, giving me attitude again? I'll make you food and then I'll fix that attitude of yours." 

"You are insufferable." I mumbled.

"You love me." 

He smiled so innocently that he could have fooled me. He started cooking breakfast, his "chef's special". He's been making it for me more often since the first time I tried it at the warehouse. Honestly, it's the sweetest thing he's been doing. 

"Eat up so I can teach you how to fire a gun. With this life you will need to be prepared for anything and in case you do ever end up in a situation that requires you to defend yourself a gun would be your best bet." 

Adrian handed me my plate of food and I just nodded as I ate and listened. I remember the first time he tried to teach me how to use a gun. I gave up and stuck with my throwing knives as it was something I'm very skilled at. He was right though. After the whole Astrid situation a while ago things will start to pop up and I may end up in a dire situation. So far it has been quiet but we don't know how long this peace will last. 

After breakfast we got changed and drove over to the warehouse. The drive was silent with the faint murmur of the radio.  As soon as we stepped out of the car, Hades came to join us as he was giving Adrian updates on the mafia. 

"Is she okay? Adrian, have you realized that your wife is limping? Did Astrid come back to life and beat her up?!" Hades began overreacting.

"She's fine. Though, she is a tad grumpy from last night." 

Adrian let out a quiet chuckle and Hades stood there confused until he put the pieces together and started dry heaving. 

I give both of them a glare and continue walking. 

"Do a command reset and she'll be back to normal. No more crankiness." Hades snickered.

"You're both children. No wonder the only way for you two to actually settle is through arranged marriages." I rolled my eyes.

They both burst out laughing, slapping each other on the arm like it was a damn good joke. 

"I hate you both right now. Don't talk to me unless you're dying." I yanked the door to the warehouse open and let it slam shut behind me, leaving those two knuckleheads outside.

Adrian was first to run in and catch up with me as he calmed down from laughing.

"Amore, please don't hate me. I'm sorry I never meant to hurt your feelings." 

"Shut it. I don't want to hear it." 

"What do you need me to do? I'll do anything! Do you want a formal apology? Do you want me on my knees begging? Please, my love!" 

Hades snorted, "I think she wants you to fuck her with your gu—"

Before he could even finish that sentence, Adrian pulls out the exact gun he fucked me with once and had its barrel right over Hades' heart. A challenging glint flashed over Adrian's eyes daring him to finish that sentence.

"WHAT?! EW, GROSS! GET THAT NASTY THING AWAY FROM ME!" Hades stepped so far back from the gun he almost tripped over himself. It's like something unspoken was said between them in that moment. 

"Next time don't assume what she wants when I've probably already done it countless times. Also talk like that again and I'm giving you another bullet hole as a reminder." 

"You two scare the absolute shit out of me. I can just imagine your kids attempting to murder me  for fun. They might even bury me alive." 

"Don't be so dramatic, Hades. The first thing you'll teach them is how to wield a fucking axe at the ripe age of five. Yeah, I wouldn't leave my kids around you." 

Adrian chuckled darkly dropping his gun away from Hades' heart, shoving it back in its holster. 

"No one is teaching innocent kids how to become serial killers." I give a warning look to both of the, before making my way to the shooting range. 

"Bambina, just imagine a mini you learning how to use throwing stars! That would be adorable, and I could call them mini grim reaper!" 

"We are not having kids. I'd rather not go through that and just get you a dog. Considering how dangerous this life is a child is not the best. There's more enemies than friends." 

Adrian scoffed and rolled his eyes grabbing a gun off of the wall and loading it for me.

"Amore Mio, we have a dog already. Plus the countless times I've fucked you raw could increase chances." 

"Good thing I remind myself to take birth control." 

"Soon I'll have you off that. Soon you'll be carrying my baby and becoming the mother of my children. Soon." 

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