28~ Wedding Plans

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It's been a couple days since the whole thing with Astrid and her goons. I've been having nightmares about it all and I feared the worst and what could have happened if I didn't check on Adrian. I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, freaking out that the intruder got to me. My cries would wake Adrian and he would hold me whispering comforting words in my ears to get me to fall back asleep. I'm beginning to like it here, the food, how he cares for me, and everything. 

Today my mom came over to help Adrian and I plan our wedding. I still dread that day and just want it to be over with. We hired a professional to help us with venues and everything. My mom and the planner sat on the sofa across from Adrian and I. A coffee table covered by photo books in between. 

"There's so many beautiful venues to choose from, Mom." I sighed flipping through the pages already becoming overwhelmed. 

"Pick out three and whatever yo both have as your favourite, is the one you'll get." My mother suggested. 

"Adrain, I can't do this...pick one for me." I leaned against the back of the sofa closing my eyes for a second digesting the long hours ahead. 

"How about we come back to the venues after we pick everything else out?" The planner suggested. 

It didn't sound too bad of a task, but with this many books to flip through it really makes you underestimate all the work a wedding takes. You just think that it takes a snap of the fingers to have everything already set and picked out, but no. You have to force yourself to sit there for long gruelling hours picking things out by hand. We did spend the rest of the day planning the wedding with the occasional lunch and snack break in between. The work was hard and I grew tired and got a headache from the stress. 

We thanked the planner as they left for helping us then my mother wanted to get home so she can prepare dinner. 

"I'll see you whenever I come to visit, Sweetpea!" She waved me 'goodbye' as she walked out the main entrance. 

I went and sat back on the sofa in the family room closing my eyes trying to ease the pain in my head. Adrian came around a few minutes later with painkillers and a water, I gratefullly took them from him. He sat down beside me, watching as I took the medication. I moved closer to him wanting to feel comfort over the pain as I rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes feeling him place his on my thigh rubbing soothing shapes with his thumb. He sat there the whole time I took my nap, unmoving so he wouldn't wake me. 

I felt as he moved my head to rest on his chest so he could  wrap his arm around me. His hand went to my hair gently stroking my head from top to bottom. It was comforting feeling how his fingers glide through my hair. It's enough to make me forget about my pain. His chest rose with every slow, calm breath he took. I could feel the rhythm of his slow beating heart with my cheek as it lulled me into a deep sleep. 

When I awoke, we were in his office. I was in his lap as he sat at his desk doing work on his computer. My legs straddled each side of him as I was pressed firmly in to him with one hand as the other typed on the keyboard. When the hand that was typing got tired he switched his hands around. My face was nuzzled in his neck and I stayed in that position for a while until he glanced down at me. 

"You're awake. I thought about putting you in the room, but you latched on to me in your sleep and wouldn't let go, so I did my work for two hours like this." He said as he noticed my waking eyes. 

"Oh, sorry." I blushed pushing my head back into his neck. 

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. If this is going to become a routine with you when we marry, I don't mind. Your company lowered my stress levels drastically as I worked." He said as he held me close. 

He leaned down to go into the second drawer of his desk to pull out candy. Specially my favourite chocolate bar. He opened it and split it in half offering me the other half. I took it still feeling tired but it was heavenly once I ate it. After I ate the chocolate, Adrian pushed my head back into his neck telling me to get more rest, but I stayed awake to watch him work. 

I couldn't understand a thing he typed. It was all written in another language and I easily grew bored of sitting here. 

"Adrian?" I asked.

"Yes, Sweetheart?" He replied as he kept typing. 

"I'm going to go find something to do. Also I want a snack so I'll go steal something from the fridge." He hummed a response and pushed his chair back so I could get off his lap. 

I carefully pulled my legs through the holes under the armrests trying not to bump him. I was almost successful in my mission when my foot accidentally grazed his crotch. He looked me dead in the eye with a look I can't describe. Fearing my life, I rushed out of his office towards the kitchen. 

Trying to forget what happened, I grabbed an apple from the fridge and poured myself a glass of chocolate milk. I'm surprised he even has chocolate milk. Ever since I've been here all I saw was white milk. I set my things down on the island counter at the spot I'm sitting at. I was enjoying my chocolate milk when Hades had to get all up in my face.

"You are drinking my precious chocolate milk." He raged. Steam was visibly coming from his ears. 

"Sorry, not sorry. This was in the fridge and I missed chocolate milk so much that I couldn't resist having a glass." I smugly smiled in his face. 

"You owe me for all my snacks you stole." He said lowly backing away to retreat to wherever he came from. 

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