20~ Who Is Astrid?

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As I'm leaned against the table waiting, Adeline goes and explores the room. She's immediately drawn towards the pool table and how it's the neatest thing in the room. She runs her fingers along the felt surface and admires the cue sticks hung on the wall. I just watch and she doesn't feel my stares. 

I suddenly hear the chatter and herd of my mafia buddies heading down the stairs. The metal of the steps creating a scary ambient sound. First to come down the stairs was Checco Santiago, Don of the Mexican Fajitas. "Delicious death" as he says. Then comes Geoff Armonheart, Don of the New York RatAttacks. Then there's Remi Du Bouis, French mafia Don. Griswald Steiner, Don of the German mafia. 

We all gathered around the little table and began discussing the game plan. When I introduced them to Adeline, they all had a look of shock and curiosity. It felt strange introducing someone I met a few weeks ago as my fiancée. I kind of liked the sound of it, makes me feel like I accomplished something in my life. 

When Adeline came over to the table I told everyone my idea. She held a look of fear on her face when I said she was going to be used as bait. It's like throwing a seal into a tank of sharks. I don't want to go through with this idea, but it's what I have to do to keep order in my mob. To keep the security and safety for all in check. 

"Do you think you could pull through?" I asked her. 

She didn't give an answer as she stared down at the table, lost in space and time. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she came back to earth. 

"Huh? Sorry I'm just not in the right space." She apologized. 

"Are you okay with being the bait? It's a dangerous risk unless someone else has a better plan?" I asked.

She nodded her head accepting the task. Griswald came forward trying to offer up an alternate solution.

"ADRIAN! I've got new information!" Hades came bolting down the stares out of breath. 

"Spit." I encouraged him to continue.

"The first guy we captured, he gave a name to some gang called the Vipers?" He questioned himself out of breath. 

"Oh shit, man...you're screwed." Checco Intervened.

"You know them? Wait, what else did he say?" I pushed further.

"He said...He said she's after her! She's going to take her from you!" Hades bent over his knees taking in one last breath in between his words. 

"What does Astrid want with your girl?" Griswald asked. He made it sound like I was living under a rock not knowing who this 'Astird' person is. 

"Who the hell is Astrid?" Adeline beat me to it. 

"Leader of a low ranking mafia. They take what they want. They only care about the ranks, they kill without reason. What doesn't make sense is why they are after you..." Checco sighed. 

"Hades, I know this is a weird request, but can you bring down Mark? I want to know what he knows." Hades nodded and ran back up the stairs. 

As we waited for Mark, Griswald filled me in on this 'Astrid' persona. Griswald's mob has been attacked by them years ago, but they failed to surpass his security. From what he knows, they've been sending out useless attacks that depletes their numbers. Who told the idiot that they'd be smart enough to lead a mafia? The man who should know has arrived, might as well ask him, shall we?

Mark struggled in Hades hold as he tugged at the restraints, a cold scowl on his face. He scanned the room realizing that the biggest mafia leaders are here and shit is about to go down. 

"I couldn't make him talk, so you can have a go." Hades shoved him to the ground so he fell to his knees. 

I heard an audible grunt as his knees cracked on the hard concrete floor. 

"Who is this damn 'Astrid' person?" I started off calm. 

"Look, if I tell you who Astrid is, it's over for me. Hell, it'll be the end either way." Mark shrugged with a sly grin on his face. 

The next thing I knew Adeline grabbed a dagger from the wall. She walked over behind Mark, grabbing his head, slightly tilting it back, and putting the blade against his neck. 

"Why did Astrid send an assassin to kill me, hm?" She asked, clearly loving the upper hand. 

"What, little Miss Princess is going to slice my neck if I don't tell her what she wants to hear?" Mark fake pouted. 

A fire of rage burned in Adeline's eyes as she put pressure on the knife, enough to draw blood. We all stood amused that something so small was so powerful. She'd definitely be a great fit in my mafia. 

"Who. The. Fuck. Is. Astrid?" She fumed.

When no answer was given she removed the blade and walked to stand in front of him. She kneels down to be at eye level. Boom! He got a blow to the jaw from her. Checco let out a laugh he was trying to hold in. 

"Sorry! Sorry! He let a woman beat him!" He laughed.

"Tell me what I want to know or I'll be the last face you see on this earth." She lowered her voice, making herself sound menacing. 

She stabbed him once in the arm, pulling out the knife. He groaned in pain and spat out a few words.

"Fine. She wants it all." That wasn't enough for her, so she stabbed him in the other arm. "She killed her own father to run the gang!" He cried.

"Come on, I know there's more..." she wound up her arm preparing to stab him again.

"She's making plans of killing you to get to him!" He cried again, tears flowed down his pale face. 

"Okay...who is Astrid?" She pressed on.

"No! She's listening! She knows!" That wasn't what she wanted, so she stabbed his thigh. 

He wailed in pain as blood spewed from his wounds. He became paler by the second and was slowly losing consciousness. 

"Okay! Okay...Astrid Delaney...I don't know her personally, but she... she..." he drawled out before he passed out. 

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